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Everything posted by Josh

  1. LILULULULLULULUIKKLHKYY5H Pussywillow Fucking lol.
  2. http://i35.tinypic.com/f55con.jpg
  3. TOOOONZ. Skillet - Monster
  4. There's no need to know anything, the fact is you act gay in every-fucking-post. And you say you're not gay? What the fuck is wrong with you?
  5. Living Avatars isn't supported anymore, amirite? Also, looking forward to meet the staff ;3
  6. homofest up in here?
  7. England-Fag right here, primeminister > NLStyle
  8. http://i35.tinypic.com/2rw01z9.gif
  9. Made me say "oh shi-" Pretty interesting, surprised I could be arsed to read, might want to add a "tl;dr" summary..
  10. Meh, we'll sort something out. At least we have a few ideas now..
  11. Or maybe the radio could be a pop-out player? That way it's kinda' integrated because people can still lurk the forums while listening.
  12. Might as well add it in, it's only an extra sentence and it could save us a lot of hassle if we ever got confronted about it.
  13. NLStyle This could go in circles..
  14. Jailbreaking itself isn't illegal I don't think, but downloading paid stuff for free using jailbreak is.
  15. "..and all the songs streamed on FailScene Radio were purchased legally from places like Amazon and iTunes respectively."
  16. Or we could get failscene members to record themselves, "You're tuned into DJ-name at Failscene.com" "Stay locked right here, on Failscene.com" "You're listening to Tuesday's Techno with DJ-name" You get the jist..
  17. That could get fricken annoying, as long as there's a disclaimer leading onto the player it's fine. Fuck adverts.
  18. Round-Up WeedKiller Spray lolwut?
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