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  • Location
    In your bed


  • Interests
    Computers DJing


  • Xbox Live Gamertag
    i dont have Xbox but i will put my psn Ceaser001

ceaser's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Lol uh yes mainly not fully but yes Do you like bananas
  2. no cause i cant do it Do you like graphic design?
  3. i gots another funny one
  4. banned for dieing and having my posts than me.
  5. YES OMG STOP IT! DO you like frogs?
  6. Yes OMG I SAID DONT DO THAT PLEASE LOL Did you read my update?
  7. banned for having more thanks than me
  8. banned for having my old mood atm
  9. banned for being relaxed and not tired and for being a rude brother
  10. Banned for making fun of my dogs name and forum name.
  11. Banned for having too many posts.
  12. banned for having a ugly thing in you picture :O
  13. banned for having a better graphics then i can in you sig.
  14. Lol you already know mine but JJJd8_top@hotmail.com
  15. Yes I Made a update to the rules on the first page i will post it on this post. Do you like eggs? UPDATE: If a question is already asked on the page you are not allowed to ask it again!(this is mainly pointed to a certain someone who asks do you wear stockings.) And also you are only allowed to say yes or no then you can add a comment.
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