- Administrators
- 5 replies
If I were to make a SAMP RP server, would any of you guys join it?
Last reply by Lewis, -
- 15 replies
Alrighty everyone, Dan here just pumping out an update list for everyone. After the last poll, and the debate I've been getting, I decided not to go with the 317. After much deliberation, I have decided to start on a new-engine server; Most of you may know this as a 474 server. This was a big decision for me, but after taking a look at it, I think it'll be a great start for Luminace. I'm taking it in slowly, as I'm unfamiliar with the protocol. The update server was new, so I had that sorted out. At this point, clients are logged in. They are rather inefficient though, and they don't save properly. My next updates will be to fix that. I also have rendering done, c…
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 8 replies
- 143 views The third edition of Saphhire ~ Loader Maker, this time with more features. No more editing up through .txt files.. It's very simple, fill in the info and save the loader. Enjoy everyone! Update - V3.7 (released on: 29/03/2008): Update V3.7: New DCRs & Externals (V3.6 ones were deleted) Thanks to httmnet for the hosting! Download from Rapidshare: Click here! Screenshots: This is an outdated version but it's the only version I had on my computer. I'm not even sure if it'll work for the…
Last reply by NLstyle, -
- 3 replies
I am willing to start a server with someone. Mabye a habbo server? Mabye maple? Mabye RS? PM me!
Last reply by JordanC2, -
Notorious RP
by Lew- 12 replies
- 210 views Features: Car System - Dealerships are placed around Los Santos Car Lock - Easily lock your car to stop it being robbed / hijacked. MDC - Police can check your records Houses - Houses can be placed IG, so if you think there should be a house somewhere, just ask. Factions - You are able to create factions, when you fit the criteria stated on the forum. Gun System - You can /putgun and store guns to save on log out or crash. Newbie Chat - You can use /n if you need to ask something, and people can reply. Many more features, just too many to list! You can find our IP on the forums below! We are now hosted on a Dedicated Server! P…
Last reply by djakariuz, -
- 3 replies
hey! Who has blacklight tango down for xbox?
Last reply by Duke, -
- 2 replies
I am gonna make an habbo server.. i dont know if it will be hamachi or non-.. i guess hamachi since i got a fucky router. but please vote for this version as i would make one v1; (old skool habbo ftw) v24; v26; r35; (quite unstable tough)
Last reply by NLstyle, -
- 15 replies
Please note: this server shall NOT be released as a download, EvolutionScape shall be released as a server to play. EvolutionScape EvolutionScape is a 508 server being developed by me (TehByte) and Wouter; we are aiming to create a stable, fun server. We hope that the server shall have a stable economy, generous training rates, and that it shall be fun! We have been developing the server for quite a while, but it's really starting to move on quickly through development stages. So without further ado, lets explore the server features. Server features MySQL saving/loading Server images…
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 9 replies
- 208 views Looks EPIC! I'm so buying it (for pc though because i got wheel for that) This is the wheel i got: Cost me £120 like 1 year ago. Real leather and stuff Btw that ent my pic.
Last reply by GhostSnyper, -
- 2 replies
I'm buying an AutoFisher from All I need you to do is find a free proxy, use it to make a Paypal account. Transfer $20 into your new Paypal account. Go to, buy the AutoFisher, and then tell me the auth code they give you. YOU CAN NOT USE THE AUTH IF I USE IT, IT WILL BE BANNED AND YOU WILL LOSE YOUR MONEY. In a few days, I'll be done with it, and you can simply ask them for a refund. They will blacklist your Paypal and IP though (which is why we did fakes). I will give you the supporting members thieving bot from and teach you how to use it.
Last reply by Mike, -
- 1 reply
A little birdie told me that the Runescape bonus XP weekend starts in 5 minutes. Enjoy it guys. :) Get up those expensive levels. Edit: I was lied to. It starts in 6 hours. :)
Last reply by TehByte, -
- Administrators
- 13 replies
- 249 views I just made 13m off botting for a few days. It was kind of slow cash, but now I can afford a dragon pickaxe. Now for the Living Rock Caverns! Going for 99 Mining during double weekend.
Last reply by Mike, -
- Administrators
- 10 replies
So tell us, what has been, in your opinion, the best Habbo retro of all time. Personally, I loved OpenHotel. I was a forum Moderator there and was one of the richest on the hotel. Sadly due to many hackings, it closed and returned as FlexHotel which is poorly ran and the community fucking fail.
Last reply by ImPlode, -
- Administrators
- 8 replies
- 115 views post yours :3
Last reply by AWS, -
- 5 replies
Need a skilling outfit, post me some decent ones please. :3
Last reply by Jordan, -
Dark Day Scape DarkDay Scape is still in development and is a Beta. Please report bug's and give feedback on the forums! EDIT: Live image of players online: Main Site Register is needed to Play Webclient [ame=]Dark Day Scape Song[/ame] Features: Server: ::boost to make training a little but easie?r Clue Scroll Base for good rewards Runescape's Coulerd Whips (Yellow, blue, green,white) You need to obtain Dye from clue scrolls and use it on a whip to recouler it Barrows Clan system (Register a clan on the website) 24/7 DarkDay Point shop (When you kill KBD, do slayer, do …
Last reply by Lewis, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone here play Warcraft 3?
Last reply by Recreant, -
- 15 replies
The PlayStation Portable. What are your thoughts on it? I personally don't have one, but I've used my brothers a few times and it's quite nice. It makes it easier to play games whilst in bed for a start, haha ;3. Anyway, thoughts?
Last reply by Recreant, -
- 13 replies
Atm i got 77 wc, gonna keep updating this thread when I have updates :) Im currently WC level 77. Chopping with a Dragon hatchet. Currently chopping yews at Edgeville.
Last reply by Josh, -
- 4 replies
still out of boredom.. dedicated to our awesome tyler. :airplane::airplane::airplane::airplane::airplane::airplane::airplane::airplane::airplane:
Last reply by Tyler,
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