Troll Shop!
by Tyler- 10 replies
So I was in town today with my brother and we found this rather strangely named shop called 'Troll' We looks at it and we both said at the same time 'OH, MY, GOD' then went on to say 'Trolololol' xD We took pictures because we thought it was so funny Win?
Last reply by Tyler, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by Steve, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, I'm giving free lockerz invites out. To get one. a. Add my msn b. Pm me on forum :D The pm must contain: Your email adress that you want your lockerz account associated with. Thanks, Nathan.
Last reply by Famous, -
- 11 replies
It's like my old blog shit I bought awhile back.. It's pretty boring, excluding this directory I forgot about : It's a bunch of chatroulette troll screenies. :3
Last reply by Famous, -
- 8 replies
We take care of all of your Call of Duty needs. Whether you are trying to get 10th Prestige, missing a few achievements, or want to make your account look as attractive as possible, we can help you get there.We currently offer services for ALL games in the Call of Duty franchise. We can get you any or all achievements for any Call of Duty game. For more info, Send us a Message. Services for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.Your home for Official 10th Prestige Lobbies! 100% Legit, our goal is to make our clients so happy that you will refer us to your friends. We really appreciate your support.Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 The best selling game of all-time. Don't you want a …
Last reply by QuinnFTW, -
- 11 replies
I'll maintain the thread. Just keep posting your Gamertags and they'll be added to the list. Michael - PieFromAbove GhostSnyper - SovietFootman Tyler - Tyler In 2D NMG-Dan - THE RAZORS EDG3 Krackin - ViruzeXe Steve - o DeFiNeD x Kieran - Awww Hell No iMunkee - Munkeeboii Mr.Happy - nipplewaxguy God - GiW x PoweR JordanC - 2 xl SN1P3Zz lx/Banjo Sn1p3zzz PLEASE INFORM ME OF ANY FORUM OR GAMERTAG NAME CHANGES.
Last reply by JordanC, -
- 5 replies
Ohai, I'm going to be offering a Runescape botting service, and yes I do charge because I have to keep my computer on for a long time. Prices are based on time the bot is left on for, not for level. Prices 1 Hour - £0.25 2 Hours - £0.50 3 Hours - £0.75 4 Hours - £1.00 5+ Hours - £0.20 Per Hour What I Bot? Pretty much all the Skills other than combat. Reason being, is that I don't want you to get you killed xD All the defaults on are used and if you'd like me to use a custom Script then just tell me via MSN If you'd like to place an order, please add me on MSN, Any Questions? Post Below, or add me on…
Last reply by Jordan, -
- 6 replies
- 112 views I'm in heaven. :')
Last reply by Josh, -
- 4 replies
- 81 views Looks decent.
Last reply by Jordan, - GO TO IT!
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 21 replies
Goodbyes Failscene! I'm off to spain for a week, flying out tommorow, so I'll see you guys in a weeks time! I hope the forum gets back up to speed while I'm away and we get more active members again :D Sorry that I'm not here to help through this week, I'll be on the internet at some points 8-| But yea, Adios or whatever it is in spain for a week ;D
Last reply by TehByte, -
Took me about 30 Minutes -1 Hour to do all of this accounts
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 1 reply
When I ran RuneCore I remember that a lot of the kids would train accounts for ya, I did it a few times. I'll also do questing. First off, don't trust me. Don't use me. Don't wanna pay me, fuck you. What I want is you to tell me what you want me to train, and then give me your price. We then cut that in half, you pay me ahead of time, and then pay me again upon completion. I'm only taking PayPal, I have no use for other money transfers. I won't be doing 99's, I will be doing any quests needed though. I prefer skilling rather than combat, but I will do either. If theres a bank pin, I don't know how you expect me to do this. If there are not recoveries I ins…
Last reply by God, -
Anyone smoke weed here? Just curious. :curl-lip:
Last reply by God, -
- 18 replies
anyone up for a qs/ns lobby? on mw2 if i get a few people intrested ill set a date and time :) IS 10PM BST OKAY FOR EVERYONE? coming: God Steve mr.happy
Last reply by God, -
- 7 replies
- 149 views Spring-Vale RPG is a scratch built RPG script with many features and 18 different jobs. The server uses its own money called ECash. The aim of the server is to get a job and Role Play to earn money. You can own a Car, Skin and House in the game. Out of character chat is not used, be yourself, respect the rules and have fun! Server IP: Current server script version: v1.9b Development: v2.0 (business system & more) Current Sa-Mp version: 0.3a Development: 0.3b Sa-Mp client download …
Last reply by NLstyle, -
- 0 replies
Name : Quinn Age : 14 Preferred Genre : Indie, rap, hip-hop, punk rock Timezone : eastern Past Experience : Hosted my own radio for a bit, only like 2 listeners tho :$ Why you would be a unique addition : I can stream really good music, and i have a good quality mic
Last reply by QuinnFTW, -
- 1 reply
Name : Justin Age : 15 Preferred Genre : Post Hard Core, crabcore, rap, hip hop. Timezone : eastern Past Experience : Why you would be a unique addition : Cuz i can stream the best music ever, jordan, you'll know you'll end up givin me radio deetz anyway let's be honest.
Last reply by Jordan, -
by Steve- 11 replies
Last reply by Steve, -
- 15 replies
This is from another Forum... I used this tutorial and It works a gem
Last reply by Tyler,
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