Forum Rules
by AWS-
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Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning or infraction. If you receive 3 infractions then your account will be banned. Do not flame other users Do not spam Do not advertise without permission No racism is tolerated No hacking (excluding game hacks) Do not abuse bugs, report them instead Do not beg for admin or mod status Do not beg to be an important person Do not beg for subscriber, you must pay for it yourself If your account has been banned, do not create new accounts. Doing this will lead to a permanent ban Do not use proxy servers or VPNs to access the site. If you are having problems visiting the site without a proxy, get help from a memb…
Last reply by AWS, -
I'm back! Forum looks good, loving the post total. Keep it up, glad to be back. Now I've got some unpacking to do.. >.<
Last reply by NLstyle, -
- 9 replies
Made this account awhile back, hoping to get some decent offers on it. It's got 94 combat in members, from Summoning. Has the needed quests for members completed. (Lost city, monkey madness etc..) No recoveries were ever set on this account, there is no bankpin, and an expired blackmark from May 2008, minor offence for swearing. Screenies : Hoping to get a good buyer for this. :) Contact Me : or via PM. Thanks guys! Hoping to do business with someone…
Last reply by Lewis, -
- 3 replies
Here are the cheats for GTA IV (These cheat codes work for both Xbox & PS3): Full health and armor Dial "3625550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements/trophys from being earned. Full health, armor, and ammunition Dial "4825550100" on the cell phone. If you enter this code while in a vehicle, it will also repair it. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement/trophy from being…
Last reply by Lew, -
- 0 replies
The following codes require "The Lost And Damned" bonus downloadable content: Spawn Burrito Dial "8265550150" on the cell phone. Spawn Double T bike Dial "2455550125" on the cell phone. Spawn Hakuchou bike Dial "2455550199" on the cell phone. Spawn Hexer bike Dial "2455550150" on the cell phone. Spawn Innovation bike Dial "2455550100" on the cell phone. Spawn Slamvan Dial "8265550100" on the cell phone. The following codes require "The Ballad Of Gay Tony" bonus downloadable content: Explosive sniper rifle shots Dial "4865552526" on the cell phone. Super punch Dial "2765552666" on the cell phone. Spawn Akuma bike Dial "6255550200" on …
Last reply by Kieran, -
- Administrators
- 7 replies
Hey everyone! Im not sure if advertisement is allowed. So if it isn't please delete this post. DarkDay Scape is still in its BETA Phase. Players can play the game but it will be constantly updated. So bugs can be reported on the DarkDay forums. Which is also where you can Register to play DarkDay Scape. To download it click Play Now on the website. The website is a good source for in-game items. On the website you can use the web shop to buy large quantities of items as runes and food for your in-game character. You can send cash to the website by use the ::webcash command. For information about the ::webcash command please type ::webcash 3 in-game. The website is a…
Last reply by Zero, -
- 2 replies
on the bottom were the affiliates are the links are messed up when you click them it makes it look like its a sub domain
Last reply by Steve, -
- 1 reply
Okay, so firstly to code CSS we need to open up the CSS tags <br /> <br /> In between the tags we can now start styling our web pages Firstly, to style a certain part of the website you need it's ID or Name. If we are editing for example a div that uses ID="Main" we would have to write the code like this #Main { } But if we are using the name="Main" tag we would write the code like this .Main { } To style anything else like the body of the page you would write the code like this body { } Our styling codes then go in between the { and }. So I will now write a list of different definitions Styling fonts font-family: FONTNAME;…
Last reply by Josh, -
- 11 replies
Hey everyone, Me and my best friend are writing a script to Load character files on a website and save character files too. You will be able to read values of the character file on the website, change it and write it back. I hope with this people will start making more things for the website Current Features: - Reading file and inserting data into an array depending on category (Like [ACCOUNT] or [bANK]) - 100% - Write to file (It writes the new values) - 100% - Should support every server. More features to come. I'll also be making web pages wich work with this system
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 14 replies
AbyssalCMS The re-make of the former leading content management system for RuneScape private servers! The official development thread of AbyssalCMS Abyssal is a content management system (CMS) made for runescape private servers. The CMS is currently in development and we will update the post throughout the development of AbyssalCMS. About AbyssalCMS AbyssalCMS is the re-make of former leading runscape private server CMS MikeRSWeb. AbyssalCMS is scripted in object oriented PHP by Mikelmao and by Halcyon. We are the founders and developers of AbyssalCMS. What's special about AbyssalCMS? AbyssalCMS uses your runescape private server's character files. The …
Last reply by Mikelmao, -
- 0 replies
Im developing a PHP RPG (AKA Text RPG) The only way to register atm is using a Beta key. Website: AbyssalRPG - Home Features: Registration - Working Login - Working Logout - Working Item Loading - Working Character Loading - Working Monster Loading - Working Account Loading - Working Basic Player vs Monster combat - Working My Account page - Working
Last reply by Mikelmao, -
- Administrators
- 18 replies
Abyssal RPG Hello and welcome to the development thread of Abyssal RPG [Alpha Version]. Website: Abyssal RPG is a browser based game. There are no high graphics in this game but lots of fun features using only text and images. In this development you'll be able to find what's next to do and what's already done. Current Features Character, items, monsters loading - 100% Working Registration, login and logout - 100% Working Viewing and fighting monsters - 100% Working My account page [01/09/2010] Gaining xp and levels - 100% Working Getting coins after killing a monster - 100% Working Stat Bar on the top of the website -…
Last reply by Mike, -
- Administrators
- 16 replies
hi guise o.k michael is bong smoking camel that eat tuna on cold dai o.k guise calm pls guise he is o.k and fs will stil liv 11111A!!!!!!!!!1111!!!!
Last reply by MxRE, -
- 1 reply
- 66 views Installation: -Put the Nuke Pack 4 folder into your garrysmod/garrysmod/addons folder. -If that doesn't work, inside the Nuke Pack 4 folder there are two folders: Lua, and Materials. Place those directly into your garrysmod/garrysmod folder. It will ask you to overwrite. Click "yes". On Vista and Windows 7 also check the "do this for the next (x) results". How to use: For bombs... In the spawn menu go under the "Entit…
Last reply by Kieran, -
- 16 replies
Thought I'd like to see what people are running. No bullshit please, if I smell something out of whack, I'll definitely ask for a valid cpu-z report. I'll go ahead and list all my machines to get things rolling OS: Windows server 2003 RAM: 4 GB DDR2-667 CPU: AMD Phenom xxxx(gotta look it up) x3 @ 2.1 Ghz HD: Hitachi 6Gb/s 7200 rpm sataII drive - 2TB OS: Windows Server 2003 / Windows XP RAM: 1.5gb DDR-pc2700 CPU: Intel p4 HT @ 2.8ghz HD: Seagate 5400rpm Sata drive - 40 gb OS: Windows 7 Ultimate Edition x64 RAM: 4gb DDR2-10666 CPU: AMD Phenom 9950 x4 @ 2.6 Ghz HD: Seagate Barracuda 7200 rpm sata - 320 gb / Seagate 7200 rpm IDE - 200 gb Video: ATI Rade…
Last reply by Steve, -
- 2 replies
How do I echo the time/date to a console with Java? I want the format to be [dd-mm-yyyy ss:hh]
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 3 replies
Hello everyone, Dan here to give a few resources that can help you not only learn java, but pick up some tricks to better programming. If you feel like you have a great resource to contribute, then please let me know by posting here or in a PM; I'll gladly add it to this list with recognition to the supporter. Now, for beginner java programmers, I suggest the following: Java trail - this is where I began my learning. It is supported by Oracle, the creators of Java, and is well maintained. It provides a great start at the "Trails covering the basics" section, and it also covers advanced topics like JNDI, custom networking, and advanced graphics. Java beginner -…
Last reply by GhostSnyper, -
- 6 replies
So I have been looking into different ways to optimize and tune my code, when I ran into an article about strings. Now there are two types of objects in java, mutable objects, and immutable object; rather, changeable and unchangeable objects. Unfortunately, a String is among those immutable objects. It cannot change once it has been created. Now you say, "Well, how is that possible? It's easy to set a String to a new value!" Of course that it is easy, but that is because the String class handles all the low level operations to 'modify' the String. For example, let's say we have a simple class that takes a name input import; import java.util…
Last reply by GhostSnyper, -
- 3 replies
Okay I know how to do them etc. I'm not that retarded.. Okay so i have the confirm box setup with a cookie, but what i'm stuck on is the destinations when each button is pressed. If they select yes then i want the popup box to just close, this is the first thing i want. The second thing i need is if they select no then i want it to open a webpage IN A NEW WINDOW, aka in a popup window. I have the webpage set up ready for it. Can anyone help? Hope this wasn't too confusing, I'm writing this on my phone.
Last reply by TehByte, -
- 3 replies
Hey y'all, I'm starting a new project (Even though I finished a crappy version of it months ago) of a site called LicenseGEN. It allows PHP Script Developers to securely license their scripts and make licenses for them. Any thought on what I could implement?
Last reply by Josh,
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