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  1. It's sad that Barry ( BeeCeeBee ) has passed. He was a good friend.
  2. The first 25 users to sign up and post 25 threads will be designated as Founders. The threads must be quality. No oneliners or anything like that. I will be the final judge if a post qualifies and will notify the poster of the decision. They will receive more privileges than regular users. They will also have an opportunity to earn income in a revenue sharing model that I am in the process of putting together. This will be a paid to post model. Each post you make will reward you. Hurry and register. You don't want to miss this opportunity.
  3. Let's talk about privacy. Is it a violation of your privacy if your phone knows where you are at all hours of the day and keeps detailed records without your telling it to? What if the phone never tells anyone else -- doesn't beam your location to Steve Jobs or Larry Page or the Pope or anyone at all? OK, maybe it will tell your computer where you've been, but only when you sync up. More...
  4. Welcome Old Crow.
  5. I have added a gallery for you to upload your pictures. Use the link in the navbar to get to it.
  6. I will get this going again so if your interested you can still apply for a dj position by using the applications forum.
  7. I'm AWS real name is Bob. I own a few other communities and have bought and sold many others. You can see more about me and the sites I currently own at Schwarz Network. I bought the database for this site and luckily the domain vbnt.net was available. I uploaded the db and upgraded the forum software to the newest version of vbulletin, vbulletin 4.1.1. In the future this site more than likely will be moved to IP.Board so that you'll have access to all my communities via a single sign on. I have done some house cleaning so if you were in one of the user groups I removed you were reverted to the registered user group. I also removed all mods, super mods and admins. Once I get to know you I will be promoting people to these positions. Some feature were removed and most will be back. I will be adding an arcade and gallery. I will be adding vbexperience back so none of your points are lost. If you have any questions post in this thread.
  8. vBNT is dying.
  9. First person to come up with a constructive post. :) +1
  10. Any other replies?
  11. everyone shud be copyn me anyway cuz i have style
  12. If I were to make a SAMP RP server, would any of you guys join it?
  13. copying it from your class? THATS STILL COPYING. umm you are right you are completely brainless because i dont understand a word you are saying. you just flamed me? /takes out phone and calls moderators
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