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Everything posted by TehByte

  1. TehByte


    Welcome to the forums AJ! :D:D:D
  2. I'm not sure what the link code would be in JS, but surely you could use target="_black" just like you do for a normal HTML link? ;o I mean, when I coded JS that's what I did xD
  3. I used to do street skating, moved on to ramps, fell off going down a 5ft ramp blacked out never touched one since XD I'm thinking about getting back into street skating tbqh
  4. This looks pretty immense to be honest Mike! I would join, but I'm really busy at the moment When things die down I'll join Good luck!
  5. http://tztab.com.ar/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/fiat-punto-t-jet-front.jpg <3
  6. NOU! Wewppp, lots of posts ;D
  7. This is quite nice :D I just got my pure mageing account back and I'm in a clan, so I'll have some fun ;D 90 mage <3
  8. Id tap dat girl o.o
  9. I understand a bit more now Dan (: Thanks xD
  10. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/ce/Australian_Route_34.svg/508px-Australian_Route_34.svg.png
  11. I'm trying to hide my own secrets :(
  12. ohhh, you're the gay one... I see :D XDXD
  13. Or I'd just invest it into a business, get a load of shares in a business I know shall last and get loaded of that? (:
  14. Nope, you can get a thing like bootcamp on it to run Linux xD
  15. If you put it in the bank and gain interest on it? I mean, it's not much interest that you gain but on like a million bucks you're still gonna get quite a bit of cash from the interest xD Then get even more moneys, and be even more selfish :D
  16. Thanks for this (: I always find it interesting to see how C# is coded, it's very interesting
  17. TehByte


    Welcome to the forums (: Be sure to check out the Gamers Den
  18. I put Linux on my PSP, but I can put it on my iPod now if I like, I've already got terminal support (:
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