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Everything posted by TehByte

  1. I've listened to this guy before and I've heard many other dutch rappers ;D It's great music xD
  2. neunundzwanzig
  3. Buy a nice car, get a nice house and then put the rest in zee bank (:
  4. I always find it interesting to read your posts Dan, even though they do loose me at some points :') Thanks for this! :D
  5. I used to love my PSP, it was like my business device for when I was on the go; I hacked it and put linux on so it was like a little computer, but I use my iPod for that now (: Also, I dropped my PSP in a load of water, so it doesn't stay on for more than 5 minutes at a time ;(
  6. Cradle of Filth Lamb of God Muderdolls
  7. Indeed I do :') it's great though xD
  8. 10 inches. Wait wut? ;D
  9. I want a Cowmobile :'(
  10. Where did you get a cowmobile Michael!? :o
  11. banned for being so epicly awesome.
  12. banned for loving pictures ;o
  13. banned for banning someone for banning someone for banning someone complaining? O.o
  14. banned for complaining >.>
  15. http://img.chan4chan.com/img/2009-01-26/1232951771905.jpg
  16. 'big hit' I get it hahahha ;D :'') But yeah, this section would not be needed nor would it be appropriate XD
  17. banned for speaking dutch ;D
  18. Lmfao, this made me giggle XD
  19. "I'm Alan Partridge" TV XD
  20. This would be rather sexy if we could have them
  21. LMFAO! That's a beast prank xD
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