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Everything posted by TehByte

  1. Lmao, fair doos :) XDXD
  2. That takes effort, I don't have effort Add me? IIMJCII :D
  3. Dom, they aren't meant to know that, shhhhh XD
  4. Sure thang ;D Me and Dom together? :)
  5. It was lucky as hell XD I've never done a 360 before on MW2 until that day ;D
  6. Ohai, I rape Duke :) <3 1st game: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEHbw3gIgxs[/ame] 2nd game: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX4AOGPhf4g[/ame] 3rd game: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGGksGc61jQ[/ame] So yaaa, me and Duke were having a load of 1v1s, and he uploaded 2 to his channel and I uploaded one to my channel. Basically, he's never beat me XD
  7. Lmfaoooo :''') FWEE SIX TEEEE! XD
  8. Is that a erm... FWEE SIX TEEEEEE? [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEQZWSW_pW8[/ame] 360 no scope on terminal, private lobby, 8v8, not set up ^^ Thanks to Dom (Duke) for editing&&recording <3<3
  9. You sad sad boy Dom, get off youtube&cod, get a life :)
  10. Your efforts are outstanding :)
  11. Aha ;D Good thinking, benefits two of us ^^ So kind Jordan XD
  12. You best be sorry! I've been having withdrawal symptoms ;(
  14. I will make sure I follow these rules ;o
  15. *kneels before the king with almighty power* ^^ Ohaider, welcum to teh forums ;D
  16. This seems quite nice, good luck in coding this system Tyler. If you need any help I'm always here :)
  17. I spent time and effort growing my hair! I used energy to grow this hair, I shall not loose my hair :') The corporal was a wanker anyway so no loss for me
  18. Yeah, I thought it was fun. But they tried to make me get a haircut, for something I pay for and something that I offer to do in my free time, if I give up free time for something I don't expect them to tell me to get a hair cut! :')
  19. Lmao, cyanide and happiness rocks ^^ XD
  20. I joined, went there for one day, they told me to get my hair cut, i screamed fuck off in their face :)
  21. Welcome to the forums gayboy :D
  22. TehByte


    Welcome to zee forums ^^
  23. Hmmm yeah Tyler, I'll just keep it with the tabs I have at the moment and go in depth with the features in there. MxRE: Thank you :D
  24. Yeah, I have them sections underneath each tab :)
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