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Everything posted by JordanC

  1. Fucking noob, why the fuk u do that faggot! Jokes Lolzors, Its both of your fault.
  2. Ub3r Gay?
  3. are u super gay?
  4. yer steve is :L, you dnt need to do GCSE's to be qualified for that :L..
  5. JordanC


    Cya , no chatbox anymore, im off :L
  6. actlly i vote for Jordan!
  7. I nominate TomMosey
  8. So bob said, no thanks just some sun cream for you.
  9. cock out and said suck it, So the black one said..
  10. Lolzors, Jordan tried to make vbnt but failed terribly on the T, Also, I sold my rs accoutn for 6 domains and all this,
  11. trolol bulklshit
  12. lololol, rich spends his life on it, i spent 3 years (:
  13. lolz dont forget teh other room full of teh roses
  14. Yeh and meh!!!!!!!
  15. lulzorz, I thought u ordered a dedi or vps.
  16. rune-hosting@hotmail.com
  17. already got them ^
  18. Yep, you still only get the normal people login, Everyone probably begs there friends list then like say they'll pay them but dont.
  19. Probs current subs, not admin, so yeh, you win, I bet it was one of a gloat thing.
  20. Y'know it does say who the winner is on the Main page, it says really clearly, Top Referrer's, So the one at the top wins?
  21. I have 2 xl SN1P3Zz lx and Banjo Sn1p3zzz
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