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About MxRE

  • Birthday 08/07/1994

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  • Interests
    Forums, coding, masturbating.


  • Occupation
    Um, student? D;

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  1. What? I said on the latest posts it says it's posted by Jordan with ID: 2.
  2. It says posted by you (ID: 2) on the latest posts ?
  3. Nice work man.
  4. Sounds really good. Thanks for the information ;3
  5. Lmfao, nice. Most I ever had back in the day was around 6t.
  6. Sounds awesome. Also, link does redirect. When I first saw the redirect, I thought FS had shut and were redirecting their link to another forum, haha.
  7. Lmfao, cooooooool D;
  8. Yah, I'm sure you will.
  9. The notice/sticky. Lmfao.
  10. Lmfao, funny. Dislike the song though.
  11. Nah, it isn't nice, in my opinion. Dislike the style and the lyrics are shit.
  12. Just thought I'd point out it looks sexy, aha.
  13. To be honest, just saying it's fucked, add more etc. is going to solve anything. If you want it changed, think of ways you can fucking change it, and if you want new sections added, think of new fucking sections that can be added. Personally, I see no problem with the way it is.
  14. MxRE


    Welcome man, have a good stay. Remember to stick to the rules ;3
  15. MxRE


    Hey Daniel, welcome to the forum mate. Another referral of mine ;'D
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