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About Duke

  • Birthday 10/31/1994

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  • Location
    England ♥


  • Interests
    Everythinggg :)


  • Occupation
    vBNT Super Moderator :)


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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1a39bUlIFw Siiick
  2. Aha! I always hear this song when I go to Frankies and Bennys, or to a bar in America. :3
  3. I just ate a microwaveable Spaghetti Carbonara Pasta. Does that count? It's was nommage
  4. I must say, that you did put alot of effort into that post. :3
  5. Then if you wish to apply, make a thread and staff may consider it.
  6. No, I wouldn't join as I couldn't be bothered to download and Install GTA. :3 Good Luck though
  7. No, you don't realise the situation. It's being fixed
  8. Pulp Fiction! AMG! Amazing Movie... but mine has to be Kickass without a doubt. It's incredible. I've seen it 6 Times :3
  9. Bram, I think that your forgetting the fact that it does cost quite a bit of money to run a website, and vBNT are low on funds at the moment. So don't go telling Jordan he's doing a bad job or anything, because I don't see you doing any good for vBNT.
  10. Eminem, hands down. WIN
  11. Holy Shit Fuck.
  12. Oh Yeah, Just tomake it easier for you, I'm one of the 400 Odd Members on this Forum that don't. I just thought it would make your life easier if you count me out of this one. So now you know that 1/394 don't have it. So, I don't have it
  13. Immature.
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