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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Yes they did, don't try to kid yourselves. Everyone copies Ragezone.
  2. Okay, the purchase page for subscriptions lies. It shows that a black subscription is not bolded. But it actually is. It shows pink as bolded, but it isn't. Fuck.
  3. Josh, it's not bold, and I hate the sparkles. I want it bold, pink, and no sparkles. Like it's supposed to be.
  4. How about you read before you link me to it. It's clearly bolded hot pink, with no sparkles. Dumb ass.. I didn't get what I paid for.
  5. Fuck you I'm cool!
  6. This thread isn't for lulz.. :( I want my username fixed! Give me my own hot pink, bold rank <3
  7. I bought a pink name, thinking it'd be bold and hot pink. Boy was I wrong. It's not bold, it's pink, and it has fruity little sparkles. This username is more gay than Michael himself! Edit: Why is it that when Ragezone does something, everyone copies? Example; subscriber colors, subscriber fruity sparkles.
  8. Thank you, Recreant!
  9. Thank you. :bunny: Those are private, fuck you! :shut-mouth: Thanks Steve. :clap: Thank you. Thanks :D
  10. Hey guys, I'm Mike. Some of you may know me as many different names from the different forums that Im from. Sythe - Dialatic RaGEZONE - Winterworks, Spinny, Abysal, or Mike vBulletin - Winterworks, or Trasion Or some of you may know me from my old forums (CheatChat, Trasion, Dialatic.. etc).
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