He hacked tyler, then tried to get warezr.us dossed/hacked.
This is what happened when michael told me his email.
george habbo ruler says:
hullo whos this
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Why the fuck did you hack tyler, then advertise warezr.us all over ragezone?
george habbo ruler says:
cos it funny
i was hopin for tyler to get banned
nd tons of fags from rz hacking warezr.us
cos ur a bunch of dicks
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
L...o..l you dont even know us, how are we dicks?
george habbo ruler says:
y shud i explain
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Because you caused us trouble
george habbo ruler says:
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
They tried to ddos
But failed miserably
george habbo ruler says:
u fail misrebly
stupid nub
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Lol, coming from a habbo player?
george habbo ruler says:
wats rong wiv habbo
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Pft.... you being serious?
george habbo ruler says:
at least i can socialize wiv ppl wich is somthin u cannot do
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Rofl? I have a life? i dont sit around playing habbo? You call habbo socialising ?
george habbo ruler says:
its a virtual social life
u dum fuk
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
You don't know the people, so your not really properly socialisng, it ent like your actually going out..
george habbo ruler says:
i go out to
i bet iv ben out mor than ur LIFE!!!
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Lol? Not possible? How old are you ? 10?
george habbo ruler says:
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
The Irony
george habbo ruler says:
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Nothing :l
george habbo ruler says:
i am at least smart 4 my age init bruv
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Not really, your grammar is poorer then a bosnian refugee's
george habbo ruler says:
so is ur mums
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Ohhh, the mom jokes, keep em coming
george habbo ruler says:
yo mama FAT
nd FAT
did i mention fat
u fat peese of SHIT
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Lol, i ent fat? I play football and lift weights, and i use to play ice-hockey, so im not fat?
george habbo ruler says:
the weights u lift is ur mum cos shes FAT AND HEVY like u
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Totally? And this is coming from a little ginger kid with glasses?
george habbo ruler says:
im nt ginger wiv glasses u dum fuk
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Pft go on whats your second name, let me see on your facebook or summit
george habbo ruler says:
im nt stupid
revert noob
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
I wont revert lol, i can actually hack
I dont revert
Reverting is for little kiddies who play habbo
george habbo ruler says:
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
george habbo ruler says:
well gess wat
ur a big fat bean
hav u ever had a gf
exept on runescape
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Lol, dont worry i thought about you trying to hack my email, you carnt
george habbo ruler says:
i dnt wana
y wud i wna go in ur stupid noob account
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Lol, Im warezrus admin thats why
george habbo ruler says:
wich makes u homo
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Lol, when you hacked tyler you didnt even use a proxy
Stupid little boy
george habbo ruler says:
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
(I wont show his ip.)
george habbo ruler says:
hu cares
wat is tht
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Your ip , i can found out alot from that
george habbo ruler says:
plz no im sozzi
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
George from manchester
george habbo ruler says:
i do wat u want
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
george habbo ruler says:
i lov my pc
i lov my internet
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Whos the geeky one now?
george habbo ruler says:
il giv u tylers account
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
I got it
george habbo ruler says:
(not showing pass) is his passward
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
(not showing pass)
I know
george habbo ruler says:
how u no
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
I just know
george habbo ruler says:
plz dnt hurt me i sorry i never do it agen
cos u cud batter me
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
george habbo ruler says:
so wil u hak me
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Hmm I don't know
george habbo ruler says:
il b activ on warezrus
nd invite nd tht
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
I dont need you on it
george habbo ruler says:
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Go on cam and i wont hack you then
george habbo ruler says:
i hav no cam
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
Just do it, it will make me laugh
Yes you do lol?
george habbo ruler says:
no i dnt?
You have invited george habbo ruler to start sending webcam. Please wait for a response or Cancel (Alt+Q) the pending invitation.
george habbo ruler has declined your invitation to start sending webcam.
Lewis - WarezR.us says:
See you do
george habbo ruler says:
fk of
I wanted him to go on cam to make his humiliation even worse :D