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Everything posted by GhostSnyper

  1. Just an update. My lag testing is going great. Although my results aren't acurate with multiple clients, single clients are getting around 6-12ms load times server side. They check in, and pass data, I pass data back, they give me more data, I send data and disconnect basically in 6-12/1000ths of a second. Not bad, I say. Test results are a bit off, as I started like 6 clients at once, and I put my computer over it's memory limit. The lag is caused by my computer paging a couple gigs of client data while loading and processing the server. Still though, it's not bad for all that, plus songbird and msn running in the bg along with my other shit. Looking good, I should finish everything to do with log in tonight, and tomorrow starts the content wars. http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r116/ghostsnyper/Luminaceclientupdatelagtest.jpg
  2. Wasn't towards you, it was towards Jordan. Closed to prevent any further conflict.
  3. Topic closed for an idiotic reason. Also, yallz be postin in a troll thread
  4. Everyone knows that, besides the drugs and super mainstream bullshit he puts out, Lil' Wayne has put down some of the best lyrics since biggie before the east/west coast drama. Eminem is fine, but his life story gets old after the eminem show. I've yet to hear a bad album from wayne... And this is coming from the king of music. I know more than any of you can ever imagine :3 well... Soldier from Em' is a fucking badass track (pardon the french), but I don't think he has much variety in his music after his third official album... Then again, what rapper has variety other than the ocasional love-sex song? Gurl I wanna *love* you, all on that flow; I wanna *rump* you (you)...... forget it :3
  5. I uploaded the client. As of right now, you can connect to an empty game server with no content. I'm just leaving it online for you guys to see if you can get to the log in screen. Get ready for some more content soon! Edit: Spending a lot of time optimizing the login process. After testing, I'm finding out that I'm sacrificing a lot of processing time by processing as lightly as possible. Working on static instancing, and caching of data to increase performance. I'm also working on furthering the database integration by creating a process that creates action objects with the data out of the database. It will increase performance by using maps of the data, and directly accessing the isolated data for that action, rather than searching through thousands of lines of code. So far, my tests have come back with drastic reductions in processing time (one test was 450 times faster than the static, hard-coded method).
  6. What do you have to offer?
  7. Look for a wheel like mine on ebay. I bought my wheel 70$ new a few years ago I'm pretty sure you can pick up a second hand one for a small amount of money. You'l prolly pay more for the shipping than the item @ lewis: Yeah, but the profiler sets that limit, but you'll still go over it because there's no actual limit on the wheel itself. You'll still oversteer a lot. It'll take a lot of practice. I'm already to go for it
  8. Your disadvantage isn't the paddles, it's the range of motion. You've got a 900 degree wheel, whereas most f1 cars don't go over 290 degrees. My wheel is an F1 style, 290 degree rotatation wheel. I'm 100% set for that fucking amazing game. Watching the dev logs, I'm thoroughly impressed with it right now. After dirt 2, I'm ready for some high end shit (grid was a failure)
  9. G25 is gonna put you at a disadvantage at f1 2010, tbh this is what I got http://www.horace.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/momo.jpg And this for when I have games with a shifter http://www.act-labs.com/images/shifter.jpg
  10. better than Habbooooooons :/
  11. I have both... My reeboks aren't the same though, they're a bit different. Same overall though
  12. More users will come to the forum because I'm affiliated with vBNT. A lot of forums need something to spur growth.
  13. Yallz be postin in a gay thread... Get some real shoes :3 http://www.zappos.com/images/z/1/0/7/1079996-p-2x.jpg http://p2.shopgco.com/gco/photos/105/1055554f.jpg Mine are like those, without the soles dark and without the logo on the side
  14. Alrighty everyone, Dan here just pumping out an update list for everyone. After the last poll, and the debate I've been getting, I decided not to go with the 317. After much deliberation, I have decided to start on a new-engine server; Most of you may know this as a 474 server. This was a big decision for me, but after taking a look at it, I think it'll be a great start for Luminace. I'm taking it in slowly, as I'm unfamiliar with the protocol. The update server was new, so I had that sorted out. At this point, clients are logged in. They are rather inefficient though, and they don't save properly. My next updates will be to fix that. I also have rendering done, courtesy of some random source, since I couldn't be assed to do it myself I am currently cleaning up and uploading the client source, so I'll post a download link as soon as it's available, as well as other sources when I can. Edit: I've patched up the client enough. I tried modifying it so there was no bat file needed, but it doesn't work out so well... Anyways, enjoy Luminace Downloads: MegaUpload MediaFire RapidShare Uppit I hope to be providing you with the best possible experience soon. As the saying goes... Noblesse Oblige; I pray that you continue to be a savior. ~GhostSnyper
  15. Looks like my isp issues are causing me to not to be able to upload pics... Gonna have to wait till tomorrow
  16. <.< >.> ...Hi <.< >.> ^_^
  17. You guys are gonna fucking love what I'm making. I'mma show you how ot make it too! Bbs, this'll be a while
  18. Umm in java, you'd use the DateTime package... import java.util.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; public abstract class Time { private String getDateTime() { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); return dateFormat.format(date); } }
  19. That's a Class pointer. You created a new class object, and set it to the reference of $classHello
  20. Well you usually see me using javadocs... A javadoc is the commented sections of a class put together in an HTML page. I'll post a link to the javadoc website now
  21. Hello everyone, Dan here to give a few resources that can help you not only learn java, but pick up some tricks to better programming. If you feel like you have a great resource to contribute, then please let me know by posting here or in a PM; I'll gladly add it to this list with recognition to the supporter. Now, for beginner java programmers, I suggest the following: Java trail - this is where I began my learning. It is supported by Oracle, the creators of Java, and is well maintained. It provides a great start at the "Trails covering the basics" section, and it also covers advanced topics like JNDI, custom networking, and advanced graphics. Java beginner - Now this website was created with the beginner in mind, It gives a good introduction to Java and it's features, as well as providing good learning aid. Java 6 documentation (javadoc JDK v.6) - This web page contains the java documentation of all the classes. It does not implicitly tell you how it works, it just explains the methods and the class' purpose. Use this if you're trying to figure out how that constructor works, or if you wanna learn the secret stuff of classes. A lot of people will se me using this, as knowing the methods is half the battle in java. This reference is for all levels of learning, and is included in many IDE's such as Netbeans. For the more advanced users, may I suggest some links, such as: Killer Game programming in Java - As the title says, it's all about java game programming. Gives information as to logic, design, and implementation. Java Performance - This happens to be one of my favorite articles. It touches down on may performance issues that could arise in a given Java program, and offers alternatives to increase overall performance. I will be submitting tools and programs to aid in your Java developing soon, so stay tuned!
  22. *coolface* Yeah, you better
  23. I'mma be laying down some java chapters, teaching you what you need to know. Since I'm studying for my Sun Developer and Programmer certificates, I'm learning some great shit. I'm going to teach you some of what I learn, by sharing some of my notes with you. I am not going to release any of Sun's study software, but I'll teach with the open-source mentality that they support. First thing you need even before I start is some of the terms you need to know. I'm not pushover, so I expect you to know some stuff coming in. For those that don't understand some of the terms I use, refer to this page, as I'll add terms you might not know. Class - A template that describes the kinds of state and behavior of objects of its type support Object - Every time the JVM sees the "new" keyword, it creates an "object" out of that class. This is considered an instance of a class, and this object has its own state, and behaviors based on the class template. State (instance variables) - Every object (instance of a given class) has its own set of instance variables defined in it. These var Behavior (methods) - When you create a class, you also create "methods" for that class. Basically, these methods are the grunt work, or the logic of your class. It is these behaviors that you call on in order to manipulate data and execute algorithms. You'll get more definitions as I see you needing them. For now, familiarize yourself with these.
  24. Lol Rich. Don't use the serializable interface to save your chatacters. I tried it, and was fuxpro'd by the API. Once you implement it in the saving, you cannot change the player class any. If the player object changes, all the old versions of the player serialization become invalid and cannot be restored
  25. not at all :3 The only delay is me learning new stuff with my certification, and throwing out a lot of my code to rewrite it
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