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  1. You troll, that's 007.
  2. Eman

    Hey guys

    You troll, that's 007.
  3. One that would allow us to put our info in the profile field and it would show up under our avatar.
  4. Welcome, Got any pics of your future wifey?
  5. Eman

    Hey guys

    That's not a nice thing to say george Apologize right now.
  6. Isn't there a mod out there for the GameTags, PSN ID, and Wii FriendCode or w.e? Just wondering...and sexy theme btw.
  7. Eman

    Hey guys

    Thanks george, where's my hug?
  8. What's shaking brothas....and maybe sistas. I'm Eman. Bye :).
  9. I am not a troll, that's Michael, Jordan, and maybe Bram < (He's not good at it ).
  10. You're not funny Mr Joker. But welcome to the fail of the internet...failscene.CUM.
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