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  1. Sir, with all due respect... It hasn't even been 48 hours since the new failscene.net has been opened. You're a bit early to make a judgement? To whom Jordan gives subscriber too is up to him. To whom Jordan promotes moderator/administrator is up to him. Getting a forum off the ground is no easy work. I would love to see you try. People who don't give up will always succeed.
  2. If you're that paranoid about this then all you have to do is block Sulake's computers from accessing your website. This is something which I'm not proud of, but my retro gained over 500,000 members and more than 600,000 unique page views a week. You're telling me that not one person out of that 600,000 didn't report us? Of course they did. I was fighting a losing battle with people constantly threatening to sue/report us. I even had the odd fake email or two. Believe this or not, but an Australian Habbo moderator visited our retro and kindly stated that "Even official habbo staff like to play on retros because they're fun"
  3. I think you're missing the point. Allow me to elaborate... Firstly, It's illegal. Who ever told you that it isn't is a total ballshitter. Second, Sulake won't sue you. Do you realize how much a court case costs? Why do you think a lawyer is one of the best paid jobs... Because they make all their money from law suits. Besides, the UK and USA merge was to cut costs which already suggests that they are having problems as there wasn't anything wrong with the two hotels. I haven't played Habbo in years, I even gave my account to Jordan, for free. But that doesn't mean that "this could have all changed".
  4. Make sure you have a good lawyer for when the law accuses you of promoting drug abuse...
  5. This was one which I picked up in the early days... I still find it funny. It was a dark stormy night at and a voice came through to tower control. "Guess who" said the pilot. The tower, unamused, turned off all the lights outside and inside and said "Guess where". A bit hard to memorize the exact words of how the joke went, but it's along those lines lol.
  6. I know a lot of pilot humor but this i haven't seen before... I'll have to try this next time I fly, with me mother, who has a phobia of flying keep an eye out on BBC News lmao
  7. Oh well in that case you need to do lots of cardio vascular such as running, and jogging, and eat less food. You can try the carb cycling diet which is good for fast weight loss. But you got to be dedicated.
  8. Pushups work almost every part of your upper body.. Biceps, triceps, chest, and a bit of shoulder. Crunches work your abdominal area Pull ups work your lats You need to eat a healthy diet and do lots of cardio vascular to remove body fat. Else there's really no point. But they are no substitute for the gym. If you want to get ripped you need to get down to the gym.
  9. the abs are link any other muscle in your body... i know loads of people who do 100+ reps to work their abs but it does nothing good. you wouldn't do 100 bicep curls? i train my abs hard once a week and it consists of: situps, 12 reps, 3 sets crunches, 8 reps, 3 sets - using a 5lb weight hip raise, 20 reps, 1 set - for the lower abs hanging leg raises, as many as i can do, 1 set - for the lower abs protein shake, done.
  10. good work mate.. when I was younger I did lots of martial arts, like jujitsu, karate etc, but never found it interesting... Still don't to this day tbh.. i've been body building for 3 years now, but out of those 3, 1 year was professionally where i am entering my first competition soon. i try and train everyday for a few hours, apart from weekends where i am out looking for a job lol. if u wanna get in shape u need to eat properly. i eat 4 meals a day, all of which are tuna and pasta meals lol. some steak when i am starving. i also drink protein drinks which substitute for meals..
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