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    Systems Administrator

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I don't see why it wouldn't be.
  2. If you guys would be so helpful as to spread the word and have them join http://www.nisne.ca/ - Referring your name, I would consider 16 GB upgrade without having to pay for it (16GB/mo). I'm trusting you not to tell them to register and ditch. That'd be the best I can do for you for free. It's the only idea I have.
  3. Unlimited bandwidth is only available in a business package which is around $220.00 /2mo. (that's why its a business account)
  4. I've been designing some tools for webmasters to use to cut down on the bandwidth. They should be available shortly. EDIT: Will do shortly.
  5. No, I've decreased the BW on the account back to 5. You're basically starting back at 0.
  6. 10GB is the new limit for the month.
  7. This message is a notice of bandwidth limitations. This account will soon reach its bandwidth limit. Below is an automated screenshot of the account and its bandwidth: http://www.nisne.net/stats.png Thanks.
  8. I'm also looking for a few content Moderators. If interested, message me on Nisne forums. This is a media community and may be some work. If still interested, follow above instructions.
  9. @Lew - No, this does not count as advertising rival forums because I am not attempting to divert traffic from one site to another. I said it would be greatly appreciated. Now, if you have a problem with it, 'PM' me and I'll just block your access to the thread. A rival forum attempts to divert traffic from one community to another in order to skew results in traffic logs in favour of the rival forum. This however, is not. Thanks.
  10. Nisne has a new community. We'd appreciate any commitment to the forums we have set up. We intend on many more community members in the future, but starting here is the way to go. Forum: http://www.nisne.ca/ Thanks :)
  11. Because of account owner switching and client registration, the website was down for around 30 minutes. It has also been updated to the latest version of control software.
  12. Because thousands of people love to join your shoutbox per day. An IRC is more stable than a PHP shoutbox.
  13. I've created an IRC channel free of charge for Failscene. You can access the JAVA client (which is more functional than an IRC client) at: http://www.itippy.net/failscene
  14. According to our legal consultant (yes, we can afford one of those), any version of these "retros" are illegal. If they are not on this server, theres nothing we can do about it :)
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