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  1. For this you should have Homebrew browser, and have a good version of Gecko OS. This codes are for NTSC-US Wii Sports US - GameID: RSPE01 Baseball-P1 Press left for infinite strike chances [sharkbyte] 2840E15A 00000001 42000000 90000000 05BFE784 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Baseball-P1 press right for next strike to be strikeout [sharkbyte] 2840E15A 00000002 42000000 90000000 05BFE784 00000002 E0000000 80008000 Golf Always Get Hole In One [sharkbyte] 0429F374 60000000 Stroke number will stay at 1 unless hit in water or out of bounds. Otherwise it will add 2 to the number. Wii Sports Tennis 1 v 1 [g6flavor] 42000000 92000000 2013fcfc 00000003 42000000 90000000 05c2c100 00000001 05c3a800 00000001 05c1da00 00000001 05c0f314 00000001 e0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013FD74 00000000 42000000 90000000 05c1da00 00000000 e0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013FD74 00000001 42000000 90000000 05c0f314 00000000 e0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013FD74 00000002 42000000 90000000 05c3a800 00000000 e0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013FD74 00000003 42000000 90000000 05c2c100 00000000 e0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013FD74 00000004 42000000 90000000 05c1da00 00000000 e0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013fcfc 00000001 2013fd1c 00000003 42000000 90000000 05c0f314 00000000 E0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013fcfc 00000001 2013fd14 00000003 42000000 90000000 05c2c100 00000000 E0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013fcfc 00000001 2013fd18 00000002 42000000 90000000 05c1da00 00000000 E0000000 80008000 42000000 92000000 2013fcfc 00000001 2013fd10 00000002 42000000 90000000 05c3a800 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Tennis CPU never wins [g6flavor] 4A000000 92000000 1013FD67 00000000 E0000000 80008000 Lane Width In PowerThrows training game [lemmayoshi] 044DD5F4 00003XXX
  2. Wii Sports Cheats I've put together some cheats and tips for the game "Wii Sports" On Nintendo Wii. HAVE FUN! Amuse Crowd in Bowling: To make the crowd laugh in bowling, move to either of the gutters in your lane, turn into opposite lane, and bowl so the ball goes over the barier between the lanes. The ball will go into the gutter in the opposite lane and the crowd will laugh. Silver Boxing Gloves: After you've beaten the Grand Champion, Matt, in a boxing match you'll be able to wear silver boxing gloves. To do so, hold (1) when the screen becomes black before a boxing match. Scare Crowd in Bowling: To scare the crowd while bowling, start the regular motion for bowling and let go on the backswing. The ball will fly backwards and the crowd will scream and jump. Special Bowling Ball: Get to pro level to unlock a bowling ball with diamond designs on it. Change the tennis court: To change the tennis court to the blue practice court, press and hold (2) at the warning screen that shows after selecting characters. Play Golf without maps or meters: To disable the power meter, map, and the wind speed indicator, press and hold (2), then make a selection at the "Select a Course" screen. Change bowling ball color: As The screen is fading to black for bowling, hold down the control pad until it fades to bowling for these colors: Blue Ball Control Pad Up Gold Ball Control Pad Right Red Ball Control Pad Left Green Ball Control Pad Down 91 Pin Strike in Power Bowling Training: To get an automatic 91 pin strike in the last round of Power Bowling, Throw the ball on the right or left rail (depending on if you are right or left handed) so that it stays on it the whole time. If it reaches the end without falling off, you will hear a "click" and an explosion. Then all the pins will fall down from the shockwave. NOTE: This only works on the last round. Just another quick list of tips/cheats. I will add more when I get more.
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