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For this you should have Homebrew browser, and have a good version of Gecko OS.


This codes are for NTSC-US

Pokemon Rumble (WiiWare) - GameID: WPSE



Infinite HP + One hit kills [goemon_guy]

C20EC868 00000003

7C00E800 41820008

9003006C 60000000

60000000 00000000


Move Modifier [goemon_guy]

C20EC7D8 00000002

38A0XXXX 90A30018

60000000 00000000

Values for these can be found here:


(Japanese, translated using Google.)


Inf HP [skiller]

C2159D50 00000004

88C30009 2C060000

4182000C 80C30054

90C3006C 80C3006C

60000000 00000000


1 Hit Kill Enemys [skiller]

C20EC868 00000005

88C30009 2C060000

40820014 80C30054

7C060000 41820008

3C000000 9003006C

60000000 00000000


Unlimited Pokedollars [GMO]

C20B8FE0 00000002

3C000098 6000967F

90030020 00000000


Pokemon Ticket Modifiers


Button Activator (WiiMote) [goemon_guy]

283EA910 0000XXXX


Ticket Modifier (Slot A) TwilightErik, [goemon_guy]

04911AD8 XXXX0Y00

E0000000 80008000

XXXX is the Pokemon value (1EC would change to 01EC and you would get a Shaymin)

Y is the special form modifier (If you had a Shaymin, if you input 1 in here, you will get Land Forme, if you input 2, you will get Sky Forme, etc)


Ticket Modifier (Slot B) [goemon_guy]

04912E38 XXXX0Y00

E0000000 80008000

XXXX is the Pokemon value (1EC would change to 01EC and you would get a Shaymin)

Y is the special form modifier (If you had a Shaymin, if you input 1 in here, you will get Land Forme, if you input 2, you will get Sky Forme, etc)


Ticket Modifier (Slot C) [goemon_guy]

04914198 XXXX0Y00

E0000000 80008000

XXXX is the Pokemon value (1EC would change to 01EC and you would get a Shaymin)

Y is the special form modifier (If you had a Shaymin, if you input 1 in here, you will get Land Forme, if you input 2, you will get Sky Forme, etc)


Other / Misc Codes


Infinite Pokedollars (Fixed by TwilightErik) [goemon_guy]

040B8FDC 60000000


Infinite Wonder Keys [goemon_guy]

040BD24C 60000000


XXXX Values


XXXX Values:


001 Bulbasaur

002 Ivysaur

003 Venusaur

004 Charmander

005 Charmeleon

006 Charizard

007 Squirtle

008 Wartortle

009 Blastoise

00A Caterpie

00B Metapod

00C Butterfree

00D Weedle

00E Kakuna

00F Beedrill

010 Pidgey

011 Pidgeotto

012 Pidgeot

013 Rattata

014 Raticate

015 Spearow

016 Fearow

017 Ekans

018 Arbok

019 Pikachu

01A Raichu

01B Sandshrew

01C Sandslash

01D Nidoran (Female)

01E Nidorina

01F Nidoqueen

020 Nidoran (Male)

021 Nidorino

022 Nidoking

023 Clefairy

024 Clefable

025 Vulpix

026 Ninetales

027 Jigglypuff

028 Wigglytuff

029 Zubat

02A Golbat

02B Oddish

02C Gloom

02D Vileplume

02E Paras

02F Parasect

030 Venonat

031 Venomoth

032 Diglett

033 Dugtrio

034 Meowth

035 Persian

036 Psyduck

037 Golduck

038 Mankey

039 Primeape

03A Growlithe

03B Arcanine

03C Poliwag

03D Poliwhirl

03E Poliwrath

03F Abra

040 Kadabra

041 Alakazam

042 Machop

043 Machoke

044 Machamp

045 Bellsprout

046 Weepinbell

047 Victreebel

048 Tentacool

049 Tentacruel

04A Geodude

04B Graveller

04C Golem

04D Ponyta

04E Rapidash

04F Slowpoke

050 Slowbro

051 Magnemite

052 Magneton

053 Farfetch'd

054 Doduo

055 Dodrio

056 Seel

057 Dewgong

058 Grimer

059 Muk

05A Shellder

05B Cloyster

05C Gastly

05D Haunter

05E Gengar

05F Onix

060 Drowzee

061 Hypno

062 Krabby

063 Kingler

064 Voltorb

065 Electrode

066 Exeggcute

067 Exeggutor

068 Cubone

069 Marowak

06A Hitmonlee

06B Hitmonchan

06C Lickitung

06D Koffing

06E Weezing

06F Rhyhorn

070 Rhydon

071 Chansey

072 Tangela

073 Kangaskhan

074 Horsea

075 Seadra

076 Goldeen

077 Seaking

078 Staryu

079 Starmie

07A Mr. Mime

07B Scyther

07C Jynx

07D Electabuzz

07E Magmar

07F Pinsir

080 Tauros

081 Magikarp

082 Gyarados

083 Lapras

084 Ditto

085 Eevee

086 Vaporeon

087 Jolteon

088 Flareon

089 Porygon

08A Omanyte

08B Omastar

08C Kabuto

08D Kabutops

08E Aerodactyl

08F Snorlax

090 Articuno

091 Zapdos

092 Moltres

093 Dratini

094 Dragonair

095 Dragonite

096 Mewtwo

097 Mew



183 Turtwig

184 Grotle

185 Torterra

186 Chimchar

187 Monferno

188 Infernape

189 Piplup

18A Prinplup

18B Empoleon

18C Starly

18D Staravia

18E Staraptor

18F Bidoof

190 Bibarel

191 Kricketot

192 Kricketune

193 Shinx

194 Luxio

195 Luxray

196 Budew

197 Roserade

198 Cranidos

199 Rampardos

19A Shieldon

19B Bastiodon

19C Burmy

19D Wormadam

19E Mothim

19F Combee

1A0 Vespiquen

1A1 Pachirisu

1A2 Buizel

1A3 Floatzel

1A4 Cherubi

1A5 Cherrim

1A6 Shellos

1A7 Gastrodon

1A8 Ambipom

1A9 Drifloon

1AA Drifblim

1AB Buneary

1AC Lopunny

1AD Mismagius

1AE Honchkrow

1AF Glameow

1B0 Purugly

1B1 Chingling

1B2 Stunky

1B3 Skuntank

1B4 Bronzor

1B5 Bronzong

1B6 Bonsly

1B7 Mime Jr.

1B8 Happiny

1B9 Chatot

1BA Spiritomb

1BB Gible

1BC Gabite

1BD Garchomp

1BE Munchlax

1BF Riolu

1C0 Lucario

1C1 Hippopotas

1C2 Hippowdon

1C3 Skorupi

1C4 Drapion

1C5 Croagunk

1C6 Toxicroak

1C7 Carnivine

1C8 Finneon

1C9 Lumineon

1CA Mantyke

1CB Snover

1CC Abomasnow

1CD Weavile

1CE Magnezone

1CF Lickilicky

1D0 Rhyperior

1D1 Tangrowth

1D2 Electivire

1D3 Magmortar

1D4 Togekiss

1D5 Yanmega

1D6 Leafeon

1D7 Glaceon

1D8 Gliscor

1D9 Mammoswine

1DA Porygon-Z

1DB Gallade

1DC Probopass

1DD Dusknoir

1DE Froslass

1DF Rotom

1E0 Uxie

1E1 Mesprit

1E2 Azelf

1E3 Dialga

1E4 Palkia

1E5 Heatran

1E6 Regigigas

1E7 Giratina

1E8 Cresselia

1E9 Phione

1EA Manaphy

1EB Darkrai

1EC Shaymin


credits to the allmighty code database




Robert Nesta Bob Marley


[Today 08:03 PM] Jordan: Bram, lol. I'd like to see you run a forum. If you could even link people to it.. I mean, I'd have trouble understanding what you were saying regardless... "plz join mi foryum. www.lawlenglish.nl"

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