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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Banned for loving me too much
  2. Banned for being 09. You'll get what I mean.
  3. LOL Banned for saying I smoke pot ;[ MEANY
  4. Banned for banning an Administrator.
  5. Banned for giving me the finger in his dp
  6. Banned for having 35m
  7. never gonna give you up
  8. It's a brilliant song, and so is the music vid. :-]
  9. [ame] [/ame] It may be old but the last verse is the best...Eminem's face is classic.
  10. Are you sure it isn't...crack?
  11. kk my wife is called anita. and my last name is takadump. what is her full name?
  12. Welcome to Failscene
  13. :3. true dat
  14. Mine is holding a fag ;o
  15. O NO U DI'INT
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