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Everything posted by AWS

  1. banned for having a sexy rank.
  2. banned because you made the post so long that i couldnt be bothered reading it
  3. Hey Mike. Of course you know me, we have been having very sexu- I mean confidential PMs. Welcome.
  4. DJ Ironik - Tiny Dancer
  5. hey welcome to vbnt
  6. Eww emos = gross
  7. and killing it
  8. and then told kieran to shut up
  9. milk from a Canadian cow
  10. selling condoms that had been used by the guy next door.
  11. I was talking about it being renewed
  12. Give me ?5 and I'll donate ?4.99
  13. lol im not touching any shit to do with the domain unless you request for the nameservers to be changed or if you want it renewed then send me the ?6 and i'll do it for you
  14. If I didn't have to pay a penny then I would consider it.
  15. If it was named after this site then I would have a problem with it because I don't believe God has asked any admin for permission.
  16. Did you even ask for permission to post this thread?
  17. Made me say ha then that's all.
  18. Well I think my final decision is definitely 317.
  19. he was shitting it
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