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Everything posted by Josh

  1. because socks got FUCKING ANNOYING.
  2. socks in them.
  3. Spam belongs in the hidden section "Cyber Sex".
  4. just like in Tyler's picture.
  5. So he walked away murmuring to himself "Tyler is a fail troll" and decided to..
  6. but came back with a..
  7. He's exploited vB 3.8 by registering as the same name as owner Jordan.
  8. It's gotta be Non-Hamachi or you'll get fuck all players. But if I had to choose a vers I'd choose v1
  9. Prove it. Back your point up with evidence before posting.
  10. Legend man (L)
  11. It was broken, nobody knows why you or Kieran were MOTM. Get over yourself.
  12. Coming along very nicely, good job lads :3
  13. Ah Tyler baby.. Make me one pl0x? :D Colour: #CDCD00 (Piss ^.^) - If that looks crap try a nice orange (#FF9900) or make both ;3 Text: Josh Sub-Text: "Babehfaec" Much love ^.^
  14. Is there a way to make those sections hidden to accounts that registered with an under 18 DoB? But yeah, maybe we should make a disclaimer saying mild swearing will be allowed? The occasionally fuck and shit - but no burns like C**t and N*gga?
  15. You're welcome, well deserved ;3
  16. Wait what? JaGeX ban hundreds of accounts a week or something, rofl. OT: Nice job man, what's your mining level now?
  17. nowai >.> Do you like delicious caek?
  18. All these. We need a really good server to play on, pressure's on you Dan I kid, but good luck man
  19. Whalecum to vBNT, enjoy your stay ^.^
  20. Well it's over now, no more pointing fingers. Mike it's because we got fucked with by our host, people are just annoyed is all. I also reckon we got off on the wrong foot, so i'm sorry for flaming you.
  21. people flame you because you did it, not because they hate you as a person.
  22. Dominic Bieber I love your songs<3 LOLjk, they suck.
  23. Josh


    Tyler isn't staff bro, he's like me and you.
  24. http://image-crowd.cz.cc/images/969icon_16.png Enjoy. EDIT: Quality looks pretty bad on Image-Crowd, so here's tinypic's version: http://i52.tinypic.com/arvw3.png
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