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Everything posted by Josh

  1. If any of you are wondering, you may think why: text-decoration: none; is needed for example. In reality it isn't needed and some would see it as a waste of space/bytes - however some people add it in just as a habit or to be sure that it's normal text.
  2. How long would PHP take to become familiar with? I'm not on about mastering it, just understanding and editing it.
  3. I have no clue, but i'm guessing it's an object? :thinking:
  4. Can confirm that Failscene now redirects, how long left do we have on the domain?
  5. I think you should recruit some super epic sexy BETA Testers (Me and Steve) Good look brah, sucks that it's unlikely that it'll get released :(
  6. I think he means the colourful notice..
  7. Yes. (I have my headphones on, I always wear just one >.>) Do you live with parents?
  8. The first one, definitely. Good choice :-)
  9. Grats to Matt on promotion, we were waiting for you to get back Also I am glad moods and status got removed, but the new vMoods needs to be centered in the postbit, it overlaps on the dark skin.
  10. The point of botting for me is to get decent skills/money ready for when I come back to runescape properly.
  11. Brilliant Resource. I recognise all of these terms from when I used to take apart RSBot scripts and see what each part did, I never knew what the proper terms were though. Looking forward to forthcoming chapters.
  12. Saw this script somewhere in the developers section, Mike posted it - it generates a serial code you give to the licensee? Amirite?
  13. Sucks for you. I botted 99 in about 1-2 months, using my sensible botting method. I'm not quite sure what I will bot on double xp weekend, probably Hunt (50k xp from 95) until I am down to x1.1 then do summoning (since it's constant 10%) and use up my charms. Then carry on hunting with x1.1 I would ideally dungeoneer, but that skill bores the fuck out of me.
  14. Personally, I will join both communities, so vBNT won't 'steal' me so to speak. What I mean by exclusive warez is kind of what Dom said - warez that have been tried, tested, approved and uploaded by trusted members of Failscene - That way people will know that they are clean. Because most of the time people get worried that they will get malware and the like, this will reassure them and give them an incentive to buy subscriber and have the benefit of clean warez.
  15. Weed. Campfire. Tent. Drunk Slags. Friends. (Y)
  16. If only we were offshore, then we could offer some exclusive warez (trusted, definitely no viruses - you know the ones I mean). That'd probably get some people to subscribe.
  17. Says the fag who posted "I HEART STEVE" everywhere?
  18. This. We already know he wins, gawsh..
  19. http://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=622 You're welcome.
  20. Corrected. And all of the community will agree <'3 OT: Beast of a song, it's so easy to use to troll someone, someone like Matt.
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