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Everything posted by TehByte

  2. Awwwww, can I revive it?
  3. Name : Matt Age : 15 Preferred Genre : Rock, metal, pop - but I am also willing to download songs from other genres Timezone : GMT/DST (England) Past Experience : I've owned four radio websites, administrated on several others and also DJd for quite a few (: Why you would be a unique addition : I would be a unique addition as I have quite a lot of experience at Radio DJing, I have a large playlist of songs and I am willing to add to them to please all audiences. I also have a set up of a Mixer and a professional condenser Microphone which I use.
  4. Lmfao! Awww, we'll bully dom when I'm back ;D
  5. awwwww, babyface getting bullied? Poor babyface, I'll sort em out when I get back Joshie Loljk, I'll join in and insult your... owait D:
  6. sounds like quite a nice release, I shall download and look at it once I get home :D
  7. Josh has a babyface D: and where's my admin!?!?!?
  8. nah, the bitch that I fell in love with told me some shit :') ah well, fuck it I can live without her! :D:D:D:D Anyways, I get home on saturday Dom atabout 4/5 oclock ;D I hope Steve and Josh are keeping you in order like I asked them!
  9. I knew that... Haha, I just noticed that it isn't xD I'm looking forward to hearing a few of your tracks man (: and looking forward to hearing you DJ!
  10. aha, I was hoping that I was going to have a nice time... but a stupid bitch just ruined it :)
  11. Welcome to the forums Daniel, I hope you enjoy it here! :D
  12. welcome to the forums! I guess you are going to be part of the DJ team then?
  13. I know both of the owners, and can safely say that they are very reliable and trustworthy people; I shall be purchasing hosting from them very soon!
  14. Black Ops looks like one amazing game to be honest, I will have to purchase this game
  15. Good boy Steve :D Aha, thanks Josh :D see you in a week mate :) Nude beaches, with my parents? I don't think so... I'll keep an eye out when passing though
  16. There isn't room on the main forum to include a player and the radio statistics, it would slow loading down for the main forum and make it look cluttered; also people don't want the radio loading as soon as the forum loads. I for one, know that I won't listen to the radio all the time when I'm on the forums, and it would get annoying having to stop the player every time I visit the home page. Anyway, I've seen the development with the site for the radio and it's coming along nicely; it's simple but does the job. Also, the radio that we currently have is with a very reliable host (I know both the owners of the company, and I know that they are both reliable/trustworthy) and has good stats for the price we paid :)
  17. Aha, I knew someone would think that I was leaving.. :') See you in a week guys, I'll try not too enjoy myself too much.. :D
  18. Goodbyes Failscene! I'm off to spain for a week, flying out tommorow, so I'll see you guys in a weeks time! I hope the forum gets back up to speed while I'm away and we get more active members again :D Sorry that I'm not here to help through this week, I'll be on the internet at some points 8-| But yea, Adios or whatever it is in spain for a week ;D
  19. Hmmm, Mountain Dewwww<3<3<3<3 XDXD Some customs are okay, it's just all the pathetic ones that ruin the server.
  20. That's a nice, simple design :D Fancy making me one?
  21. To be honest, if the customs are reasonable (by this, I mean, no 'Devil Wings', cars etc. etc. and no recolours) then there isn't really a problem with them, but they can still ruin the server. And even if it's little bits of help I'm willing to give input into the server :)
  22. Aha, to be honest, servers are nicer without customs, but at some points they are needed to please the users By the way Dan, if you need any help with the server I can always attempt to help :D
  23. Hmm yeah, if people wanted new items you could always go into custom items after you've coded most of the server; custom items can always come at a later date.
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