664 -
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Everything posted by Jordan
Thanks for joining Vegeta! I'm curious to how you found out about us. :3 Regardless, I hope you stick around. Like you said, your big in RSPS development, one of our administrators GhostSnyper is currently developing a server for vBNT. Stick around.
I did so like it. =.= Regardless, stop the damn flame wars. Thanx.
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs301.snc3/28654_1313281157110_1383096517_710084_7251015_n.jpg OUR OWN DOM.
It went inactive before then, regardless. This will not come down.
A shitty community was Trasion, even you will admit that. I will not be down by September. I have so many outlets for free as well as paid hosting. The domain stands til 2011, it won't be down. I assure you of that. I didn't have reason to BAN you. I sbox banned you for flaming, legit. You didn't hack Steve, he gave the password to you. Nice "hack" there buddy, so there was no TRUE reason for a ban. Tyler is not staff, Steve wasn't staff until 2 weeks or so, and he still did a good job for the forum. You've done quite the "damage" here, which literally was nothing. Thanks for your time.
It won't be down in september. :) I've done way to much work to let it close, I've had to move domains multiple times, switch hosts, etc; I've done a lot of work for this forum and have no intention of closing. It will be open until August 29th of 2011 for sure.
Nobody wants you to go, all we wanted was for you to admit to giving out your password to someone who joined the forum two days ago.
banned for giving out your details.
Actually, the top one shows what you get.
I lol'd.
I want a good one, like on that I'll actually use. :3 Text - Jordan Color - http://cdn.nextsmallthings.com/coolchaser.com/thumb-122721.jpg Sub-text - "ONE LOVE." I want the O's with peace symbols like my usertitle, if they come up as broken on PS then just put "SWED." as the subtext. <3 So for the text it should be.. J - Green O - Yellow R - Red D - Green A - Yellow N - Red. Thanks.
I've got it, not trimmed. Just woodcutting, with about 40M networth.
Just a few heads up, as djakuriaz is a fucking dumbass cunt, and decided to change the details of the subscription settings. Before sending a payment, always make sure that the email is 'jordanduyck@live.com' if it is any different contact an administrator. If your trading items (habbo, rs, etc) only trade them with me. None of the other staff are qualified to accept them. Just wanted to clear this up.
banned for being gay.
Remember you from Trasion! :) Great to have you here.
Eddy Grant - I Don't Wanna Dance.
banned for making me think theres an ant on my screen.
banned for being ginger.
I didn't expect proxy but I knew people would say porn............. x_x
He only got 1 picture from a girl from his school, the rest are from his other school. It's a public one called "Google Images Academy."
It was like 2 am. D:
Seems everything is sorted from the confusing before, still on the same host. Dan has progressed further, he has decided to program with 474 base, he's going to post a client somewhere and I think he is currently developing a websource as well? Not quite sure.. I've removed Important Person, sort of. Replaced it with Sexy. I will give Important Person out VERY rarely, literally never. Sexy is just pink with sparkles, still can be purchased / earned. Will be doing some security stuff tomorrow with DJ I think, few loopholes / exploitable areas on the forum. Seems that all for now, Thanks. Edit by Steve on behalf of Jordan: In other news - these cows look like they're having fun :3 http://personal.bgsu.edu/~cswest/images/cows.jpg
Thanks for joining bro. :3
Hm, I might try it out. I hate WoW but I like the game itself.
I never knew they made a third installment. x_x Is it any good?