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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. Regardless of what you do with it, good luck!
  2. Welcome to vBNT, this is basically FailScene now. Myself and Steve we're planning to make this into a seperate forum, but we need some new people around, and we also don't feel like paying to keep two websites up. Enjoy, and bare with us as we tinker around and get everything into working order, currently some links are fucked up and we gotta fix the logos. In other news, Sheppards pie is like an explosion of flavor to the high mind.
  3. Check out Osiris, they are popular for hitop leathers.
  4. Updated my post, I spent 3 - 5 days finding shoes for me, and I usually buy a new pair every 3 months.
  5. Those are both DISGUSTING, let me find you some good shoes.. Osiris - http://www.osirisshoes.com/shop/guys/shoes/signature/duffel-lp-mid/1227107/ - http://www.osirisshoes.com/shop/guys/shoes/lifestyle/rhyme-remix-shr/12441167/ (Doubt you'll like this one, very unique style to it.) - http://www.osirisshoes.com/shop/guys/shoes/lifestyle/uptown-vulc/12481186/ DC Shoes http://store.dcshoes.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4055471&cp=3448746.4335355 (Not sure if you'll be to fond of these, I had them a few months back. http://store.dcshoes.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3736022&cp=3448746.4335355
  6. Everything overlaps on Black Ambient, it's a messed up postbit. That's the best I can get it for now, I'll try some optimization later.
  7. No problem, was agreed upon a week ago. x] Its now a habit, I'll do it in every thread.
  8. Removed the Status & Mood option, made the postbit all ugly. Added vMoods, fits nicer, also has many more options. :3 Promoted TehByte to smod as he has returned from fuc- I mean, he has returned from Spain. In other news, I'm hungry and vanilla extract is considered an alcohol.
  9. Cause I'm usually busy as hell and rarely have time for shit like RS. When I run MSN while doing anything, chances are I won't get anything I want to do, done.
  10. The rewards you get in the end. I personally don't bot, and if I do I watch the bot.
  11. I swear, thats my ideal weekend.
  12. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJDDxHIaaVk]YouTube- Sixx:A.M. - Life is Beautiful[/ame] Fuck amazing song, real deep lyrics.
  13. What is that one website you always use when your coding? It had all the definitions and shit, I had it bookmarked before I reformatted.
  14. I knew the first three, but I didn't know that methods were caused due to classes. I think another Teamviewer observation is in order soon. xD
  15. "camping" Go get em Steve-o.
  16. http://www.bestweekever.tv/bwe/images/2010/07/Antoine-Dodson-Dumb.gif @all of u
  17. vBNT is going to inevitably steal members regardless, as long as it isn't similar to FS and members aren't targeted / pressured to join, I'm fine with it. I'm helping Steve run it anyways, we'll probably partner up FS and vBNT.
  18. What would you like added?
  19. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOEgjkfuMOg&feature=related]YouTube- Peter Tosh - Legalize it[/ame] Awesome song, it's a message to all those thinkin green!
  20. When I dance you give phr33 st00f pl0x.
  21. So your gonna keep working with Xerces or start a new one?
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