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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. Site was put offline under accusations of being nulled, they researched and found out we aren't.
  2. Did you actually make that?
  3. They're related, sorry that I don't listen to shit music.
  4. You need GIFs and shit, duke taught me how.
  5. Situation comedy.
  6. I have a shitload of them, I'm gonna put them in a directory on my site later tonight.
  7. The one I have he moves, I'll show you on MSN.
  8. http://www.j0rdan.info/trolls/chatroulette/lmfao.png :') I'm so evil.
  9. I like it, the song is fucked up but we dont listen to dubstep here.
  10. And then they hit next.
  11. Post some of the expansion packs your using in the Hacks and Modifications. :3
  12. We are his only friends. :on-the-phone:
  13. Sinatra hands down.
  14. get a fucking ps3 and link me in cod4.
  15. I saw that one and burst out laughing.
  16. Saw Tyler posted MYTWSS, so I decided I'd post this as I get more of a kick out of it then any of the other sites. http://www.thathigh.com/ It's a site that a shitload of potheads post stories on, trips and shit.
  17. Hi Mickkeh.
  18. Jordan


    http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/consoles/playstation-4-everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-ps4-464657 ^ Playstation 4. Original Xbox : released in 2001 in NA. Xbox 360 : released in 2005. If there are trends that means it's a year late already. xD
  19. Jordan


    They released the 360 Kinect Slim, thats not a new generation. :cute:
  20. http://www.mediafire.com/?xmwkwmjmygz The perfect injector for Combat Arms. Works with Maplestory as well, not sure of any other games. I've just tested those two.
  21. I've been hearing rumors about a confirmed Playstation 4, and a possible new generation of Xbox. Thoughts?
  22. Just in general, any sitcom. I'd say The Office. :3 (US Version)
  23. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tCrBF71JCU[/ame] Great song, classic.
  24. I'd have to say I've got a few, it all depends on my mood. Oldies, rock, and rap.
  25. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPnaZNMxHl8[/ame] Also titled as Pedestrian is Just Another Word for A Speed Bump.
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