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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. Wait, do you play MW2 on PC or PS3?
  2. Exactly, good point. xD
  3. Fail.
  4. I lol'd.. I had an alright day, did some shit with Sims, went out for a bit, grabbed some subway and here I am.
  5. Welcome to the forum Stephen.
  6. For what?
  7. only 352mb of RAM? i'm astounded .
  8. They'd just hack into the email itself. :cyclops:
  9. IPGet -> Country -> Facebook his name. Easy for beginners.
  10. Too easy. :')
  11. Thank you baby. I'll make you important now.
  12. I know, but theres so much feedback from the current mic that it's useless to listen to. I only listened to the first one.
  13. Then commentaries are useless.
  14. OS : Windows 7 Home Premium x64. RAM : 4GB CPU : Dual Core @ 2.10 GHz. HD : 500 GB.
  15. Need a new mic for sure, and you need to speak slower.. Other than that, good luck.
  16. Like your tumblr. I did different quotes for like 15 minutes straight, no big deal.
  17. The basic ::createclan, ::joinclan and all that they do? At least the decent bases I've used.
  18. Got one setup now I guess. jordan@failscene.com
  19. Your all idiots, this seems like the biggest troll I've ever read.
  20. Agreed, if there are no buttons, what makes it better (or worse) than Internet Explorer, or any other Visual Basic browser. Spice it up a bit, or everyones just going to stick with what is most appealing, or most userfriendly. (Chrome<3)
  21. Seems and sounds much better than the standard one most bases give you. Nice work Mike.
  22. Hi Lewis.
  23. jordann@live.ca is my temp for you ePeople til I get a failscene one.
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