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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. http://www.failscene.com/xperience.php lol.... It's disabled atm.
  2. Instead of adding a shitload of child forums, we just will use tags for now. Just put the language in squared brackets.. [JAVA] etc;
  3. I'm Canadian though.
  4. Jordan


    I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Keno.
  5. Didn't know you still had this open Mike, that's awesome.
  6. I love you baby girl.
  7. Thanks for joining Matt. :D
  8. Hi, started this with Michael yesterday. We've done a few forums together, hoping this one will be sucessful. Basically, I'm fifteen, been doing forums for quite a few years, and yes I'm Canadian you bastards.
  9. Stop hiding your love for me. Everyone, Keno came over today and we had rough sex for three hours straight.
  10. Had a friend of mine come over, we watched movies n shit.
  11. Theres gXboxLive but that's retarded.
  12. Jordan


  13. Remember you from Zer0. Thanks loads for the hosting. :)
  14. Welcome to FailScene. Marijuana?!?!?
  15. Welcome to FailScene Bram.
  16. Straight all the way.
  17. Got this a few days before official release, I honestly like every song on the album. Buried Alive and Welcome to The Family are my favourites though.
  18. Welcome all, thank you for joining. Thank you to Pibble for the hosting<3, and congratulations to GhostSnyper on Super Moderator. Let's get this place active.
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