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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Weird, I was just thinking of making a thread like this today. But yeah, definitely MSN. Although people get fucked off when you use hopper live all the time.
  2. Then I'm afraid she is a lesbian... PARTY!!
  3. Agreed.
  4. Tyler


    Welcome the the Forums AJ, have a nice stay and make sure that you read the Rules
  5. May work but the proxy address may come from a country other than the USA. =/
  6. http://totallylookslike.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/859d5e07-65f9-40c7-801f-0c8a5d2eb738.jpg OMG, That looks so damn real xD
  7. If it was MSN that you found Fail Scene, select Friend. and I know that there is a spelling mistake in the poll, I don't know how to edit it :(
  8. Just out of curiosity, as there have been alot of advertising methods and I'm just wondering who or what brought you here? Vote in the Poll up at the Top If you select other please tell us how
  9. LOL, Pose for the camera. You call that a pose xD
  10. Tyler


    Welcome to FailScene. Make sure you read the rules
  11. Agreed with Matt, I'd tap that
  12. Think I've solved the problem. Because it's a gif, its animated, so it tends to be much bigger in size. It must fit the requirements. If it doesn't, it's converted to a normal still image which does fit the requirements.
  13. Well things are different here in England.
  14. I found a site like that before, but it was fake clothes. Practically the same.
  15. Only ?20 from Topman. Not bad I guess. I bought one size too big though. >.<
  16. It was a mugshot. I was about to get a photo taken properly, and I was practicing a smile and joking about. Then I got caught with this monstrosity.
  17. Enlighten me?
  18. I am not gay.
  19. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs152.snc4/36938_418251394643_703009643_4401907_7817517_n.jpg I'm the one on the right.
  20. awesome person that I've not talked to in ages.
  21. That's a thing you could do Matt, considering you've always wanted to start you're own business. Surprised you didn't mention that really.
  22. Seriously, you're going to waiting a damn long time to rack up another million bucks.
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