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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. The medals aren't the most attractive things on your postbit either.
  2. Oh well. Then I'm not exactly sure to be honest. I suppose you could just leave it, and you'll come across more ideas in the future. It doesn't exactly have to be good, since I guess only Administrators like yourself and possibly moderators? will be using it.
  3. Christ, it's gotten more members in one day, than RapidBug got, ever. Well done, and good luck! And about that Super Moderator job...
  4. Not really sure to be honest. I think those tabs are suitable. I'm sure you could expand them a little more though? For example; Players could be expanded into Online List, Bans & Mutes, Edit a Player
  5. [ame] [/ame] Love this song to be honest. The lyrics are somewhat, sentimental.
  6. Any screenshots?
  7. Very interested in this to be honest. It's something that I've not seen done before. It's just a shame you've got the shitty default JAVA buttons. Good luck! Regards, Tyler.
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