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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Banned for not respecting the Bros before hoes rule. (:
  2. Yeah it will work in Canada as well
  3. Okay, so over in America Hulu.com is known for broadcasting shows such as Family Guy on their website. Unfortunately for people who live in the UK, we cannot watch it as they have blocked it. However, there is a solution for us British to watch Hulu.com Episodes. This Guide is all written by me. 1. First off you want to download a program called Hotspot Shield. Here is the direct download link so there's messing around with Google or anything: ftp://mydati.com/download/hss-win/DM-239.exe 2. Once downloaded it will come up with the installer. Just simply follow the on-screen instructions and it will be installed in no time. It's pretty straight forward. 3. At the end of the Instillation it will give you an option to Start Hotspot Shield straight away. This is optional. 4. In you're taskbar at the bottom, there will be a hotspot logo. That looks like this: http://i34.tinypic.com/2yp0vvc.png If this logo is green. Move straight onto Step 6. 5. Right click on this Logo and click on Connect/ON, Like this: http://i34.tinypic.com/2me8ol5.png 6. You can now go onto Hulu.com and watch your favourite shows. Thanks, duke
  4. So you're the Scottish Bloke in the video then? Also if you didn't know the guy in the video is Scottish xD
  5. I want Rhianna in my bed. (:
  6. Okay so I gave this idea to Jordan and he said it would work great, so it's official YouTube Account: FailSceneDOTcom On this channel will be posted a variety of videos, but what I will be mainly focusing on is a Top 5 Kills of the Week. I thought of this idea as many members on this Forum do have a capture card. So I thought this would be a great Idea to bring the community closer together. How is it Going to Work? Simple, you will record your gameplay (of course) and when you recieve a Kill that you think is good enough for the Top 5 Kills, send it in to me via PM. Upload the Clip to zShare first and then PM me the URL to download the clip. I will then combine the clips together to make a Top 5 Kill's of the Week. Please note that is not just Killcams. I will then commentate them and upload them to FailScene's YouTube Channel. If you do not have a capture card, then just subscribe to the channel and wait until the first video is uploaded. Good Luck Everyone. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Something else that Fail Scene will be hosting on their channel will be community videos. So if you say get some gameplay footage of yourself in Afghan getting an amazing Kill/Death ratio, then send it in. We'd like to see it. How is it Going to Work? Simple, you will record your gameplay (of course) and when you get some good gameplay that you think is good enough to make the channel, send it into me via PM and I'll try my best to get it up onto YouTube. Upload the Clip to zShare first and then PM me the URL to download the clip. You can commentate the clip if you want but you don't have too. If you would like me to commentate the clip just ask me, it's not a problem. You can send in: Gameplay Game Tutorials (No Hacks) Comedy Videos Other Gameplay such as Super Mario or even Little Big Planet If you do not have a capture card, then just subscribe to the channel and wait until the first video is uploaded. Thanks, duke
  7. Now children, post pictures of yourself. :sinister: I joke. Here's me on the last day of Year 10 ;D http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs107.ash2/38709_1345879932059_1383096517_787314_608729_n.jpg
  8. 3 Xbox's. That's a lot. Mind sharing one with me xD I'm joking. Welcome to the forums mate and I wouldn't want the XBOX anyway. PS3's are always better, but let's not start this war xD
  9. Congratulations Matt, well deserved my boy
  10. Banned for banning someone who banned someone for banning a banner. I think?
  11. Banned for banning a banner.
  12. Banned for living in a country that I wish to visit (:
  13. Okay Then. Welcome to the Forums and Enjoy you're stay.
  14. No, I'm just selling the whole account.
  15. Yeah, So I'm selling a Runescape account for ?15. Just straight up buy. I have two methods if you want to buy it. 1. You send me ?7.50, I give you Username and Password. Then you give me the rest. 2. Jordan will be middle man :D Details about the account: - 5-5.3M Net worth. - No members left, but it has a shit load of members items. Stats: http://i37.tinypic.com/345ztdz.png Blanked out a few stats so RS can't find out who I am Proof I own the account and Combat: http://i35.tinypic.com/14dlvkk.png Net Worth: http://i37.tinypic.com/5ppy0.png So yeah, any questions just put them below. If you're intrested just PM Me
  16. Hey, Welcome to the Forums. Enjoy your stay
  17. What do you mean classic? It's been out for like 4 Days xD However if your talking that it will be a classic, it will be for sure. It will go down in the history of YouTube
  18. I know you ;D.. You was the person that created the Sapphire Loader maker. You're awesome. Anyway, welcome
  19. I'm on it Also you might want to include about cheating.. ;D
  20. The remix? Some like YouTube partner, pretty good. Actually it's not pretty good. It's currently my favourite video on YouTube. ;D
  21. Leik omg, this is the funniest shit I've seen in years. First watch this: [ame] [/ame] Yes I re-uploaded it to see how many views I could get xD. Thumbs it up so it will get higher in the ratings ;D and then watch this: [ame] [/ame] LOL. I've listened to it like a million times xD. I ♥ Antoine Dodson, I wish him and all the family on finding the rapist. Legend.
  22. Well you coulda advertised failscene whilst doing so.
  23. Really? You definitely need to add more to it. Add a background, some 3D etc.
  24. How come you got all this, and for free too?
  25. LOL xD. I don't do competitive crap, I've thought about it but it's not for me. Alot of people tell me I should aswell xD
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