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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. It's obvious someone just used firebug for the jetski one.
  2. Yes that is correct. Or that part may come with vbPlaza. -> http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=106953
  3. Oh right. That makes sense. So basically you can make money, without actually betting?
  4. Nothing, You just have to regain it all again. For every post you get something like 400vBux, every thread you make is 800 vBux, but I believe that this can be changed in the AdminCP.
  5. Looks and sounds fun. One question, what happens when you run out of currency?
  6. Hahahaha, I love them Thanks xD
  7. I use this alot on another Forum and I think that It would be a great addition to these forums. It's called vBookie The mod can be downloaded here: http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=94128 If you wish to see a demonstration of this Mod, please go to http://www.nextgenupdate.com/forums/vbookie.php
  8. Thread Closed. I fear a flame war coming on.
  9. Well showing that you donated and you care about the site shows the Administrators that you would be dedicated
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