I am also from Canada. I listened to a lot of dubstep when i used to live in BC it was real big out there. I mostly listen to rap now. Like Biggie Smalls, Immortal technique, Eminem, etc.
LOL nice picture tyler. Here is a picture of me i think i was rolling a joint did not even know it was on facebook hahah.
Edit im the one thats not looking at the camera.
No i wasn't. I was not really active on ragezone but that is were i learned about rsps' and started coding a bit. I am not a amazing coder so i started playing servers again while working on a side project and helping the owners code a bit. If you know of a server called violent pk it just got shutdown. I was a moderator there and helped out coding a bit.
edit: My name was not vegeta on ragezone it was vegeta527.
Yes i know he is the one that invited me. I am very interested in this server he is working on and have offered to help beta test. Nice to meet you :) and don't worry i will stick around :D.
Hey everyone,
I came here from ragezone. I am big on runescape private servers. I also play a lot of crossfire. This looks like a good forum. Im going to try and be active on it. Hopefully get to know some of you.