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Everything posted by Sentence

  1. I agree with this , a Private Server is going to gain members, the people who become members on the Private Servers need a place to talk other than the game, so like.. images, donations, reports will all be posted here. (:
  2. No >_> Do you like using 3 fingers instead of 2?
  3. Heyy Daniel you sexy babe ;D !!
  4. Updates look and sounds great, the new skin is very stylish ';D ! Thanks for updating..
  5. I agree with you 150% I think that if they removed the trade limit alot of people would come back, also if they removed the way "player killing" works now.. Soo like... they get only a couple items with death, I think that the killer should get all but 1. But to be honest, Runescape will never go back to the way they were. Which is kinda sad, had alot of fun back in 2005. The 7 days members is alittle stupid aswell to be honest, It's not like the people who have no money to buy the membership will have money after the trial to buy the membership + they will only have dumb Membership Items in their banks.
  6. It kinda sounds like it to me, Pacsun, we were pac the sun on you ;'D !! Anyway, Nice photo's everyone ;D !!
  7. I know, what was I going to do?? Find it from my ass? !! You didn't even make anything...! so, don't criticizes what other people do. http://i34.tinypic.com/33uq0ow.png It was only his opinion so please calm down before an argument starts.
  8. http://i34.tinypic.com/2iafpcz.jpg
  9. That wans't very nice to say, I'd like MxRE warned :'( Bullying, GOOGLE'ED!
  10. I do nothing, but my family has money. Oo
  11. Thats true, mines long and messy >;'D
  12. Umm, I have the same hair as the first poster. http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/2692/2a2kvr.jpg (:
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