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Everything posted by Lew

  1. Banned because you made me post incorrectly.
  2. Banned for banning me for banning you for banning me.
  3. Banned for confusing me.
  4. An easier way to jailbreak every single iPod OS version, and iPhone, is by going to: http://www.JailBreakMe.com, click the slider, wait for it, and it's done. Worked for me lol.
  5. Banned because i love you.
  6. Lew

    PSN Database

    LewTehJew And try telling the Police that your PSN is LewTehJew, and you signed up using the email fat@aids4u.co.uk. Fuck the robbers that robbed my house.
  7. Buying parts yourself and building it is cheaper, and I feel like building one :)
  8. Nice, thanks, when I get my new mobile, I'll buy :)
  9. Lies. http://i34.tinypic.com/33uq0ow.png lol
  10. I want to build a gaming Desktop PC, my budget is ?400-?500. Anyone link me up with parts?
  11. Straight. I agree with the posts saying that judging people by sexuality is just childish.
  12. Banned for being an administrator when I'm not.
  13. Lew

    I am Alive

    Looks like a TV Programme I saw.
  14. Lew

    Hey hey.

    Why thank you! :)
  15. I think many people would use this, as alot of people do not have paypal.
  16. I would, as I have no money on paypal, but do on phone.
  17. Easiest way is just to use an online proxy.
  18. My day is going fine.
  19. Lew

    Hey hey.

    Thank you Michael, and thank you Steve. :)
  20. Nothing else to say!
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