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Everything posted by Lew

  1. Yes, they're funny. Do you like pie?
  2. Habbo is shit, yes, but hacking habbo accounts is good for making cash, meaning paypal cash.
  3. Woodcutting skill cape + Green 'ele + Robin hood boots and Green gloves ;D That's if you have the WC skill cape ofc.
  4. Get hacking then. :)
  6. When you click Bugs & Help, it leads you to vBNT.orgt! Fix it boys ;D
  7. banned, just banned.
  8. banned for having an epic brother.
  9. banned for being a salad.
  10. banned for not being more awesome than me D;
  11. Lewy@Live.ca
  12. Added (:
  13. Yes Do you like pie?
  14. Lew

    Notorious RP

    You can now find the server IP on the forums. The dedicated server was set up just now and everything is running smoothly! Have fun!
  15. Or you could just change your DNS to the host you have now, and add a redirect domain 8-)
  16. Shouldn't you redirect failscene.net to vbnt.org?
  17. Should be in runescape section matey.
  18. ^ agreed.
  19. no do you eat mouldy toe nails?
  20. Banned because i want to ban
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