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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Banned for having more userbars than I do.
  2. And did you just come up with that quote? xD
  3. http://i35.tinypic.com/e89541.png It's small but it's the only one I could find on here.
  4. The guy that is assaulting the woman? What a disgrace to Scotland but still, go to Glasgow in Scotland and you will see that happening all the time. :) I can't hurt a girl though, dunno why it's just the way I was brought up. Unless they hit me in the balls then I punch them :)
  5. I've had her in my bed
  6. But he did go to rehab...lol
  7. I like the video, but it could have been better.
  8. Banned for banning someone who banned a banner
  9. Hey I have the high score for that, you even said! Banned for being admin #2
  11. We will also be looking out for moderators during the next few weeks
  12. Lmao that kid has a bowl cut.
  13. Hey, welcome to Failscene. :)
  14. Mainly rap, rave, hardcore etc but I also listen to punk rock sometimes.. (sum 41, blink-182, simple plan etc)
  15. Haha thanks I forgot about that.
  16. I thought I'd start up a referral competition. I'm sure you all know what you're supposed to do but if you don't then here's how to do it.. Invite as many people as you can and tell them to put your name in the referral box upon registration. The person with the most referrals by the 20th of August 2010 will receive 6 months free VIP. Staff are not included in this competition. UPDATE:// No cheating is allowed. This includes but is not limited to creating multiple accounts and using proxy servers (to also create multiple accounts)
  17. Yes this is a very handy tool I used to use it when I played Combat Arms xD
  18. xD It's funny
  19. LMAO that's great who made it?
  20. Lol that's what I do Lewis ^^
  21. Basically a comedy tv series? Why do you North Americans have to make things so complicated? I would say Friends or some shit.
  22. When I go on my laptop we gotta troll chatroulette.
  23. What the fuck is a sitcom?
  24. Could do with more effects..
  25. LOOOOOOOL ^^^^^^
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