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Everything posted by AWS

  1. Hey there, welcome to Failscene.
  2. Good graphics skills you got there! Good job!
  3. i made a conversation with one of them before, they are very nice people. lol
  4. AWS


    Hey geo welcome to the forum
  5. Hey tash welcome to Failscene!
  6. Awesome I used to play this server all the time, might get back into it sometime. I recommend this server to everyone, it's great and it's run by an awesome guy.
  7. AWS


    Remember no border camping!
  8. okay let's get one thing straight I'm the sexier man out of us two. It's always been that way and it always will. Okay anyway, welcome to the forum. :)
  9. oh well not the end of the world. just mod again lol.
  10. Why did they wipe your gamertag clean? how dare they do that to a goat
  11. http://www.funmunch.com/funny_pictures/fail/Epic%20Fail%20Guy.jpg
  12. How has your day been so far? My day has been alright, opened up Failscene today! :D
  13. What do you like best out of all the anime there is? I like Full Metal Alchemist the best probably but I don't watch anime anymore tbh, but that was my favourite.
  14. you'll never know the truth
  15. lmao na she just randomly sent me that message, lol. scary shit.
  16. hortencia75437@hotmail.com says: *i am really ho0rny right now wana watch me touch my pussy http://www.x.se/efh8 failscene.com is open bitch says: *LOL
  17. AWS


    Hey jono thanks for joining
  18. This is an anonymous vote but you can tell us what you voted if you want!
  19. Simpsons is shit, Futurama kicks it's ass. American Dad is good but I still prefer Family Guy, and if I had to choose between Futurama and American Dad then I'd choose Futurama.
  20. I agree it looks stupid I would rather by an iPod or an iPhone.
  21. Hey george, welcome to failscene. Hope you stay active and invite your friends.
  22. hey there pibble welcome to failscene
  23. i'm a goat, not a troll.
  24. I have listened to them and if you haven't listened to the mashup I just posted then how are you supposed to know if it's rubbish or not? It's actually good. It's a mix of the discovery channel song and eminem..
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