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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. Michael resigned. That's all I can honestly say, he's decided to focus completely on life. I'm hoping he'll keep the nameservers the same, and that he'll visit every so often. Apologies for the down time, thanks to Devin and Dan at Nisne for their help.. if anyone is interested in getting some hosting, hostcarbon.com/ they're really reliable guys. New moderator will possibly be chosen within this next week.. Undecided for now.
  2. The new version seems a lot better, I had the white star wars one. Never used it tbfh, sold it for $60.
  3. Not bad, Kings & Queens is still my favorite song by them. :3
  4. Seems like it's gonna be either really good, or really bad. I'm only going to watch it due to the fact that it's got Eminem in it. :3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shady_Talez - Full article. http://www.horrorsociety.com/2009/10/29/shady-talez/ - Other article. Seems like he'll be doing comics and a movie, sounds alright imo.
  5. Talkin 2 Myself - Eminem
  6. Already patched, thread closed.
  7. Friends of mine, and a few kids on NGU are saying that using a prepaid credit card could max your account out with $300. Just enter the details of it in Account Management and try it out, I had one but I forgot the balance was empty. >.>
  8. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
  9. Awesome. :)
  10. Yeah, if it gets enough popularity. I'm hoping VIP payments pickup with the new SMS option.
  11. Looks awesome Dom, good luck with it!
  12. Yeah, I was looking into editing for them but I don't have any decent software, or any time tbfh. Not bad for their first one at least. xD
  13. Yeah, that seems about right. Thanks for helping out. :3
  14. I'll be getting this for sure, AC2 was awesome.
  15. He is terrified of spiders.
  16. http://www.rankspider.com/includes/s_spider.jpg LMFAO. sorry, I had to.. <3
  17. Thanks, I'll check em out now. ;D
  18. CodedFuckingMinds<3.
  19. So basically, I'm from Canada where dubstep is literally unheard of. I know a majority of you are from Europe and that's where it originated, so all you kids can give me some good songs? ;D I got the basic ones, Mt Eden <3.. Mr Postman, etc; Just give me some good ones!
  20. I'll add that one now, seeing as it's an XML.
  21. ZAC<3. I searched for this on purpose, thanks a lot for joining. :3
  22. Drunks ftw.
  23. Jordan


    Welcome to Failscene Wayne, stick around. :)
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