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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. I founded it, nuff said.
  2. FTP details got changed while I was on vacation.. So I won't be adding anything til I get in contact with someone from Nisne or Michael. :)
  3. I'll add both for now and see how they work out.
  4. [ame] [/ame] Friends of mine, made a decent dualtage.
  5. I've tried going on my LG Xenon, loads alright.. shoutbox doesn't work though.
  6. Hopefully your still thinking about going through with this.. If your only interested in paying for the first month, I'd say no more than $10 (whatever that'd be in GBP.) If you've got a large sum coming in on PayPal, and you've got nothing else it'd be useful for, then think about paying for more. It's totally up to you, thanks a lot for it.
  7. Adultery is a sin.
  8. Samuel Adams is an aspiring rapper from Boston. Got big making remixes, one of em was a cover of Asher Roth. [ame] [/ame] Thats Coast to Coast, pretty sick. He doesn't have a dedicated channel on YT. He got a lot of hate from people when his album hit #1 on iTunes and shit, some people might of heard about that. Check him out
  9. I'm paying steve to divorce you.
  10. I am jealous, you stole Steve from me..
  11. Talk to Katie, she used to have a massive list.
  12. If you guys know any good ones.. post em below. Try not to suggest ones we already have / pointless ones. (Like facebook connections and shit.)
  13. the internet has some sick people. :(
  14. Steve needs a restraining order from you.....
  15. I'm Canadian, no president. D:
  16. Those who disagree, doubt, or don't believe what Myles is saying.. Your idiots. He ran Nabbo, which was one of the most popular retros awhile back (to my knowledge at least.) and he wasn't sued.
  17. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs093.ash2/37971_415617896764_72947896764_5224514_7413075_n.jpg Fucking lol.
  18. Yeah, I was going to use my cell but longdistance is a bitch.
  19. Language isn't going to be a problem. Don't play anything with a shit load of racism though, we swear on the forum, and if they found out about the radio they clearly visited the forum first. We'll just put a small disclaimer or something to be on the safer side of things.
  20. I tried calling it from Skype and nobody answered.
  21. I watched him when he first got popular, I only liked the prank call tbfh.
  22. How'd he find out your identity.
  23. Oh well thats always fun.
  24. Didn't you just say your allergic? D:
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