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Everything posted by Jordan

  1. Works great, +thanks. :D
  2. TTDS is the best.
  3. Jordan


    Eh, for a rumor site the Sony one seems pretty legit. and I agree with the fact that it's a design, not a new generation.
  4. We may offer that to VIP's. :3 If we do another competition I'll add that in.
  5. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGb6xtDboec[/ame] Can't find the video, was just released the other day. Pretty good song, always loved Kanye.
  6. Would this work for Canada as well? :3 I've used HotSpot before for going on PayPals and shit, but not to try on Hulu.
  7. Dans my tutor. Taught me the whole Database.java and DatabaseWorker.java theory. :3
  8. eh, smaller than before but he's still built. <3
  9. wtf, pink is dirty bro. and he actually looks jacked in this video, LOL.
  10. [ame] [/ame] Thanks to Michael (Formage) who reminded me of the premier! Video isn't that good, Not Afraid was better, and I was hoping he'd do one for Cinderella Man. Oh well. :') Rhianna looks fucking sexy, just sayin fellas.
  11. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs532.snc3/30214_392002804627_829699627_3822666_1177807_n.jpg arms have gotten bigger since training, i just noticed. :')
  12. That's fine, we're happy with standard members around rather than a shitload of moderators. :3
  13. Welcome to FailScene. Autobots rule.
  14. STEVE, thanks for joining. :) You got COD4 for PS3? I remember we got a shitload of trophies for Mw2. xD
  15. We'll be hiring another moderator at around 150 - 175 members, or whenever we bump the new moderators to supers.
  16. Banned for sucking at Liverpools favorite sport.
  17. Banned for never going to Canada.
  18. Banned for being new.
  19. Alright, busy day I suppose. Received A LOT of traffic and got a lot of registrations (about 22!), that's awesome. We added TehByte to the moderation team, congratulations Matt. Contact one of the admins with your preferred sections. :) Now that we've got one moderator, it seems fair to open the applications for a second or possibly third one. Here's the format, we ask that you simply PM it to all three of the administrators. (Myself, Steve, and GhostSnyper.) Name : Email : Age : Experience : Why you want the job : What sections you'd be good with : Will you stay active if you do NOT receive the job : Extra : Good luck to all applicants!
  20. I disagree.. D:
  21. Undecided, we may hire one and then open applications for the rest.
  22. That's difficult to MM, you'd have to do it without one probably.
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