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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. I can get you a link, and I'll sent it over MSN?
  2. It's really good, and simple to use. If you'd prefer a more advanced program, definitely use After Effects.
  3. I crack all the editing programs I use. They're far too expensive originally.
  4. It could be called, Scotlanada.
  5. Sony Vegas Pro 9, Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D, Photoshop are all the ones I use for editing.
  6. Well I personally wouldn't use it.
  7. Waste of time in my opinion.
  8. Patience - Guns 'n' Roses
  9. Like ?1,000+ ;D I love apple ;D
  10. I love Jailbreaking, I jailbroke my iPod touch on Firmware 4 quite a while ago
  11. All information found Here.
  12. Updated, feel free to download it and test it out
  13. I don't have a definitive sport that I prefer, but I enjoy Football (soccer), Rugby and Cricket.
  14. Sure sure, you just saw how much I raped them two xD
  15. Yeah Tennis is a very enduring sport
  16. Yes, I remember that sport from when I lived in Australia. I saw some friends play it and I wasn't intrested, never played it or watched it once whilst I was over there
  17. If it's muscular gain your looking for, a tip that would be good is whilst your in bed. Just before you go to sleep, do 50-100 Sit-Up. Do this about 3 Times a day and it should tone your stomach alot Worked for me last year, then I quit
  18. Have you ever wanted to repeat a YouTube video over and over again without constantly having to start the video again manually. I use this all the time and it's great Well I get this all the time ;D Step 1. Take a YouTube URL. E.G [ame] [/ame] Step 2. Simple add Repeat in front of the word youtube. E.G. http://www.repeatyoutube.com/watch?v=NIgznx0HzdU The video is now repeated constantly without manual actions ;D Enjoy!
  19. I'm not rich xD And I ENJOY playing it because of it's pace ;D It a fast paced game so.. yeah ;D
  20. Rugby League to watch and Tennis to play
  21. Join this Facebook Fan Page xD http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Music-Video-for-I-Love-the-Way-you-Lie-is-Awesome/118272801554842
  22. Yeah I would do, but sadly Facebook banned my account because of cyber bullying >.> This means I lost all of my Fan Pages and the record company weren't happy. They said make a new account a try you're best to get more Fan Pages big. I'm still struggling
  23. Get atleast 20K+ Fans on a Facebook fan page and your rolling baby. Cheap Ass :3
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