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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Many of you may or may not have heard of this guy, but he's a pretty awesome, mainly due to his name being Tyler. http://www.youtube.com/tylerwardmusic is his YouTube channel. He's a natural musician born in the US, blah blah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyler_ward Mainly plays Acoustic stuff. So yeah, check him out.
  2. No racism intended. Such a melodical geniosity.
  3. Yes. Chicken?
  4. Who the fucks Matt Jackson?
  5. No. Do you wear stockings?
  6. Good song. Very old.
  7. No. Do you wear stockings?
  8. Yeah, I was before Josh mentioned anything. I just felt like being awkward.
  9. Yeah. Do you wear stockings?
  10. Chatbox sticky? Am I missing something?
  11. FUCK YEAH. Tea and Scones?
  12. Yes D: Grapes? :3
  13. Either that or the Developer's Corner.
  14. Get that shit outta my thread. I've decided on either http://www.supra-uk.com/mens-supra-vaider-tuf-dark-white-p-272.html or http://www.supra-uk.com/mens-supra-muska-skytop-tuf-black-white-p-262.html
  15. Fuck no. It's shit. Is one of your ears warm, and the other cold, like mine?
  16. Yeah, do you wear stockings?
  17. Potatoes, FUCK YEAH! Do you wear stockings?
  18. Yes. Do you have AIDS?
  19. No. Do you masturbate?
  20. Yes. Do you wear stockings?
  21. Yes. Do you wear stockings?
  22. You heard of Supras?
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