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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I wouldn't mind seeing the original Ford GT40 on my driveway tbh.
  2. Im getting either a citreon saxo or a 2010 fiat punto xD
  3. yeah stfu.
  4. HURRAH!
  5. Lulz tutorial pl0x.
  7. It will not take a while if i SPAM THREAD?S??!?!!?
  8. I got PayPal and im 16 D: even my parents know lol xD I eBay ;D
  9. Mass Killings?! YOU LIE
  10. Michael, all my sex is free!
  11. Lose?
  12. Chris: Meg Peter: pfttttt
  13. Oh shit, my bad. D:
  14. Mention to them you botted it
  15. yay4secs
  16. Russia sucks ass, no wonder it's so cheap.
  17. shit that was me
  18. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJyyaxACD9U&feature=related]lulz[/ame] rofl "GET A CAR"
  19. I played it and loved it, whats your verdict?
  20. I can see xD
  21. http://totallylookslike.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/e4798983-655f-4747-84fd-dc8ba53dbb40.jpg
  22. That's right, I've said it. <3
  23. Steve


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