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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Thats the Civic right? I prefer the old one if I'm quite honest. http://www.pictures-of-cars.com/Donny2007/Honda-Civic-Type-R-2001-600.jpg Thats been modded a bit xD
  2. I like it - Enrique Iglesias
  3. Lotus Exige S, loved it ever since I drove it on Sega Rally haha, http://media2.worldcarfans.com/2009/3/medium/lotus-exige-s-2010my-at-geneva_1.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_3kC7x8v3a0s/Sa7KxK2WWcI/AAAAAAAAEf8/rXqi3J9TLhM/s400/2010+lotus+exige+s+geneva+1.jpg http://www.egmcartech.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/2010_lotus_exige_s_image_004.jpg
  4. Steve


    Epileptic shock!
  5. Nice background, send much?
  6. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs326.snc3/28896_1293517622500_1367086459_30704598_900078_n.jpg
  7. Meh jackass bad now :(
  8. YOUR MOTHERS. http://waine.iblog.co.za/files/2009/07/fat-people-fat-girls.jpg
  9. 1337/10, see what i did there?
  10. 10/10 always by my side at RZ :D
  11. Argh I wanted to play the beta. All I can hope for now is the black ops beta
  12. aww lucky :( you got ODST then? xD
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