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Everything posted by God

  1. haha i wish i had a wheel but tbh im defo doing a full 100% race on spa
  2. cant wait till the game comes out im a big F1 fan :)
  3. yeh but ill have no acc to bot on
  4. no thankyou
  5. just offers atm
  6. their
  7. give me 30 mins ill have them up
  8. if anyone is intrested i can show them some pics over msn because i cba to take pics and edit
  9. selling a lvl 108 rs account 1572 total level green zone 2m cash/5m items alot of quests done including DT MM i will show pics of the account to anyone whos intrested in buying i will remove email/recoveries for you and give you all the info you need post offers please :) pics: http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/Stats-223552.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223811.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223352.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223308.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223908.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223900.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223848.png http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj300/connoreaton1/10-09-03223834.png
  10. pingenerator my arse thats the biggest bullshit ive ever heard
  11. lmao sorry michael pissed me off by scamming me :L so i thought ill recover the acc
  12. Thanks for the account back michael :) oh and the 29 days member is pretty sweet http://i56.tinypic.com/2qcp0m1.png shouldnt scam tbh
  13. just a warning michael did scam me by giving me fake details to a habbo account. so be careful
  14. mmm would be alot better if they had a camera on
  15. yeh but even then u can get good spec computers for what ur paying for a ipad
  16. ipads suck. end of
  17. aww babe x <3
  18. nice i just got some red t90 laser III today for £120
  19. it was a real offer ^_^ thats how much i have in my paypal plus u clearly put any offers?
  20. hehe
  21. haha
  22. :L theirs 2 diffrent ways to spell it
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