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Everything posted by God

  1. if i decided to make it it'll probably be a v26 or v36 before the flash update but idk if i cba
  2. would anyone be intrested in playing?
  3. connoreatonere08@hotmail.co.uk
  4. God


    id make one but idk how to portforward on this new router
  5. i wanna be a dj!
  6. its mine now anyway
  7. fair enough
  8. what host you on?
  9. any chance of a warez section?
  10. oh rite i see :D
  11. i dont get it
  12. i mean when youve orderd something online
  13. can mail come at any time in the day or just the morning?
  14. i know i never told you this secret. but thats my dad
  15. http://www.sportsreportsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Lionel-Messi.jpg me irl <3
  16. walking into the changing rooms at half time 12-0 up having a wank in ther shower
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