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Everything posted by God

  1. yeh but most of the mw2 community are snobby little 10 year olds who think its cool to make stupid comments down the mic witch arent even funny
  2. yup plus its alot easier
  3. thats legend
  4. fucking sucks im guna get a ps3 so i can just do loads of hacks
  5. can u do this on xbl with a transfer cable?
  6. :) we need like another 3
  7. quickscope/no scope and its xbox btw
  8. anyone up for a qs/ns lobby? on mw2 if i get a few people intrested ill set a date and time :) IS 10PM BST OKAY FOR EVERYONE? coming: God Steve mr.happy
  9. GiW x PoweR
  10. looking forward to u djing
  11. i agree the forum needs more sections
  12. wont even let me watch it
  13. Name : Connor Zerkaa Eaton aka God Email : connoreatonere08@hotmail.co.uk Age : 13 Experience : owned numerous forums i know how all the moderation tools work also had a joint forum with steve were we gained 500+ members and it was very popular. Why you want the job : somet to keep me intrested in the forum What sections you'd be good with : anything as long as im giving back to the community Will you stay active if you do NOT receive the job : nope i will sit in a corner and cut myself Extra : WAFFLES TASTY WAFFLES thanks
  14. rofl ;d
  15. techically its my license but whats mine is steves D:
  16. God


  17. congrads steve even tho the license is in my name :) and thank god the lags gone
  18. Name : Connor Zerkaa Eaton Age : 13 Preferred Genre : DNB , Techno , R&B , Indie , Rock Timezone : BST Past Experience : mmmmm none sir. Why you would be a unique addition : because i can do alot of shows a week i can do alot of competetions with the failscene runescape server when its released also habbo one if it ever gets created. im building on a wide music selection :) but i wont be able to talk on air till about late september when i get a good quality mic insted of my laptop built in one. but i can just do autodj streams at night
  19. welcome back
  20. if you can do it on EFLC then i can but i sold my GTA IV sorry
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